Running data export reports

CrowdTwist allows you to run pre-defined reports to export data in .csv format.

Note: Contact your account representative to configure your reports.

To run a data export report:

  1. In Control Center, navigate to Data > Data Export.
  2. Locate the report that you want to run and click Run Report.
  3. Configure the report details:
    • Exported Report Name: Specify the name for this exported report.
    • Date Start and Date End: Specify the timeframe of data to be included in the report in the format YYYY-MM-DD or by selecting the date from the calendar.
    • Delivery Methods: Specify the location(s) to which you want to access the report after it is run.
      • Download Reports Page: Allows you to download the report from within the Control Center.
      • SFTP: Allows you to download the report from the SFTP site.
  4. Click Run Report Now.

After you have run a report, you may want to download the report or access it from the SFTP site. Reports will be exported to a CrowdTwist client-specific SFTP server that the client can connect to and download.

Learn more

Data export

Downloading data export reports
