Adding country-specific points expiration rules

Once a default rule has been configured, additional country specific rules can be added. These rules can be defined with their own expiration behavior and are applied based on the country field in a member's profile. If a country specific rule is applied, the default rule will be ignored.

Points will always keep the expiration behavior they were originally assigned. For example, assume we have a default rule with expiration after 180 days of inactivity and a rule for Canadian members with a fixed expiration period of 90 days. If a member is registered in Canada and earns 100 points, those points will expire after 90 days regardless of future updates to the member's country.

To add a country-specific points expiration rule:

  1. In Control Center, navigate to Settings > Points Expiration.
  2. Click Add Rule.

  3. Select an Expiration Behavior:

    • Points expire after a period of inactivity: Members who do not complete a qualifying activity within the configured inactivity period will have their points expired.
    • Points expire after a set redemption period: Members have a set period of time from when the points are earned before they expire.

      Note: When the set redemption period is selected, points expire on a monthly basis. For example, if a member earns points mid-month, they will have the remainder of the month plus the full expiration period.

  4. Click Save.

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Points expiration