Creating Account Overview widgets

The account overview widget allows signed-in users to see their current tier and redeemable points. It also allows them to sign out.

To create an Account Overview widget:

  1. In Control Center, navigate to Program > Widgets.
  2. Click Add Widget and select Account Overview.
  3. Configure the details for your widget:
    • Basic Information
      • Version: Specify the version for this widget. We recommend using the latest version, which is the default.
      • Name: Specify a name for this widget.
    • Logged In Configuration
      • Header Text (Optional): This text is displayed to the user in the header at the top of the widget.
      • Custom CSS URL (Optional): Add a link to your own hosted CSS file to style this widget as you see fit.
      • Max Height (Optional): Set a maximum height after which the content of the widget will scroll.
    • Logged Out Configuration
      • When a user is logged out, this widget:
        • Is not displayed: The widget is not displayed if the user is not logged into the rewards program.
        • Displays a sign up / log in Call to Action:
          • Headline Text: Specify the headline text to display in the Sign Up window.
          • Sub-headline Text: Specify the sub-headline text to display in the Sign Up window.
          • Background Image: Click Select Image to display an image in the background of the Sign Up window.
          • Custom CSS URL (Optional): Specify the url to your custom CSS if you want to style the Sign Up window with your custom stylesheet.
  4. Click Submit.

After creating a widget in Control Center, you can add your widget to a webpage.

Learn more

Creating widgets

Adding widgets to webpages