Adding reward categories

With reward categories, you can group rewards by specific types and organize rewards and specify a point cap to limit how many points a member can redeem across all rewards in the category.

To add a reward category:

  1. In Control Center, navigate to Rewards > Categories.
  2. Click Add Category.
  3. Configure the details for your reward category:

    • Category Name: Specify a name for your reward category. Please note, once the name is created it cannot be edited.
    • Point Cap: A point cap limits how many points a member can redeem across all rewards in this category. Choose one of the following options:
      • No Point Cap: If enabled, there is no point cap limit for this reward category.
      • Limit redeemed points: Specify the limited number of redeemed points for the specified time period (example: maximum of 100 points per Calendar Week).
  4. Click Preview to review the details of your reward category. Double-check the settings, as they cannot be edited.
  5. Click Add Category.

Learn more

Getting started with rewards

Reward categories