Getting started with CrowdTwist data

The CrowdTwist platform seamlessly captures data across all channels, including social networks, e-commerce, POS, mobile systems and social networks. The platform combines an individual’s brand engagement, social influence and spend, building rich, first-party profiles offering a 360° view of customers.

The platform features built in-algorithms designed to predict customer behaviors. Our predictive capabilities allow clients to maximize customer lifetime value through automated personalized triggers at all stages of the customer lifecycle. Our programmatic capabilities optimize the communication strategy so that you’re delivering relevant, personalized experiences for your customers. We leverage machine learning to refine models over time to ensure efficiency and accuracy.

CrowdTwist Data

  • BI Dashboard – Provides a self-service business intelligence tool that enables you to gain program and member insights.

  • Data Export Tool – Access pre-defined queries built by CrowdTwist; ability to have CrowdTwist write custom data requests that can be sent to your designated locations in an agreed upon format.

    • Anti-Gaming Monitoring – Automated algorithms that monitor user behavior and detects gaming/suspicious behavior.
  • Redemption Log – Ability to download member redemption information ad hoc or set up a report to be sent automatically. The report can be sent daily, weekly or monthly.

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Data export


Control Center