Managing SSH2 Keys

Important: This feature is available only if it is enabled for your account.

Use the Manage SSH2 Keys page to install and delete SSH2 keys.

Connect utilizes an Oracle CX Audience-hosted file server,, as a file transfer point between your account and Oracle CX Audience. Each account on the file server is called a Data Gateway account, and is provided when Connect is enabled for your account.

To login to the Data Gateway account on, you need to provide us with a public SSH2 key that we can associate with your Data Gateway account. We use that key for authentication when trying to access the Data Gateway account with a login we provide.

Your public SSH2 key must be:

  • SSH2 compliant
  • RSA or DSA compatible
  • At least 1024 bit strong

We recommend the key pair is generated without a passphrase.

To add a key:

  1. Upload the public key to your computer.
  2. On the Account Management page, click SSH2 keys management under the Global settings section.

    The Manage SSH2 Keys page opens.

  3. In SCP user, select the SCP user.
  4. In Tag name for key, type the name to help you identify the key.
  5. Click Select, and select the key you uploaded.
  6. Click Add Key.

    The key is added and appears in the key table with the status Processing.

After the key is processed, the status will change to Created.

Learn more

Managing SSL Certificates