Integrating with Adobe Analytics Data Connectors

You can integrated Adobe Analytics Data Connectors with Oracle CX Audience.

With this unique integration solution, marketers can easily and effectively target customers who purchased, browsed, or abandoned on their website, delivering individualized marketing messages, and providing holistic cross-channel reporting and analysis.

To use the Adobe Analytics Data Connectors web analytics data for email campaigns, the detailed data about user’s web activities are regularly imported into CX Audience and then automatically aggregated and summarized to provide three recency attributes: last purchase date, last browse date, and last abandon date. Any of these three recency attributes could in turn be used for targeting and segmentation.

Using the Adobe Analytics Data Connectors integration solution allows you to

  • dramatically increase marketing ROI by improving the timing and relevance of marketing campaigns;
  • re-engage and re-target visitors and customers using dynamic segments based on website behavior, such as cart abandonment, purchases, or product views;
  • simplify your marketing team’s workflow by consolidating email marketing and analytics data for reporting; and,
  • easily quantify the effectiveness of email campaigns by conversion and contribution to revenue and site success.

Next steps

There are three main steps for integrating CX Audience with Adobe Analytics Data Connectors.

Step 1 — Complete initial configuration

Account Administrator: To use the CX Audience integration with Adobe Analytics Data Connectors, first you must activate this integration through the specific process provided by Adobe and Oracle. For more information about activating the CX Audience integration with Adobe Analytics Data Connectors, please contact your Oracle Customer Success Manager and Adobe support representatives.

Step 2 — Set up the Adobe Analytics Data Connectors integration

Account Administrator: Manage your Adobe Analytics Data Connectors integration

Data Director: Import Adobe Analytics Data Connectors data

Step 3 — Use the Adobe Analytics Data Connectors integration

Data Director: Create filters using Omniture Events filters.

Adobe Analytics Data Connectors, Adobe Analytics, Adobe, Adobe Omniture Genesis, Omniture Genesis, Omniture, Adobe Omniture, Adobe Genesis, integration, integrations