Importing list records

You can import up to 5,000 data records from a .CSV file directly into an existing list. To upload additional data, use a Connect Import job.

Requirements and notes for uploaded files

  • Character used to quote field values must be either double quotes (") or none.
  • Character field separator must be a comma (,)
  • File must have a header
  • Blank and/or null characters are stripped from the beginning and end of fields (columns) in imported files.
  • If necessary, data fields are truncated to fit into the field lengths you specify.
  • Timestamp fields must be in the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss format. Anything after the ss segment is truncated.
  • All blank lines are removed from text fields.
  • The following conditions might slow importing:
  • Data fields of type MEMO (Long Text)
  • Source data that is both tab-delimited and double-quoted
  • Ignored columns

Importing list records

To begin importing list records:

  1. On the Manage Lists page, click Actions, and select Import Data.
  2. Follow the steps in the wizard as described below.

Step 1 – Inbound source

In this step, you select the file to load. The file must be in .CSV (comma separated value) format.

  1. Click Choose File to select the file to load.
  2. Confirm the character set of the load file.
  3. Click Next.

For large files, the next step might take a few moments to appear.

Step 2 – File handling

In this step, you specify file handling options.

  1. Select the field separator (typically a comma) that separates the fields (columns) in the file.
  2. In the Field separator list, select the character that enclose text columns.
  3. If the first line in the file contains column names, rather than a data record, select the First line contains field names checkbox.

    Note: All column names must conform to the Oracle CX Audience naming conventions. For more information, see Field Name Requirements and Data Types.

  4. Click Next.

Step 3 – Table fields

In this step, you map incoming fields to corresponding fields in the list.

Mapping fields specifies which import field corresponds to which list field. The source and target fields must have the same name and compatible data types so that data is correctly converted from source to target.

You can also save your mappings to a template, then re-use that template as the basis for future uploads.

To map a field:

  • Select the list field to match from the dropdown list of the field you want to map.

    If an equivalent list field does not exist:

    1. Click the arrow next to the corresponding list field.
    2. In the New Fields section of the dropdown list, select the appropriate data type for the new column.

      A new field entry appears with the same name as the import field.

    3. Change the name of the field if needed.

    If you don't want to import a field:

    • Select skip this field from the dropdown list of the corresponding list column.

To create a mapping template:

  1. Create your mappings and click Save to Mapping Template.

    The Save Mapping Template page opens.

  2. In the Name field, type the name for the template.

    Template names cannot be longer than 100 characters and can include only the following characters: A-Z a-z 0-9 space ! - = @ _ [ ] { }

  3. Click Save.

To use an existing mapping template:

  1. Click Load Mapping Template.

    The Load Mapping Template page opens.

  2. In the Mapping Templates list, click the name of the template you want to use.

    The Selected Template section shows the mappings and any issues that need to be resolved.

  3. To make any changes to the mapping template or resolve issues, click Edit and make your changes, then click Save.

    Note: Any changes you make apply to the mapping template as well as to the current upload.

  4. Click Select Mapping.

    The mapping template is applied to the upload.

  5. When done mapping fields, click Next to continue.

Step 4 – Record handling

In this step, you define merge rules for importing new records and/or updating existing list data.

  1. Select a Data Import Date Format to use in timestamp fields.
  2. Select the fields to use for matching new to existing records.
  3. Select the action to apply when a record matches and does not match your criteria.
  4. If you added a channel, indicate the default opt-in/opt-out status.
  5. If your import file contains channel status values (email, mobile, or postal), enter the values you want to represent the Opt-in and Opt-out status.

    Example: 1 for Opt-in and 0 for Opt-out.

  6. Select relevant checkboxes to reject customer records with empty email, mobile, and/or postal values.
  7. Select the mobile number format used in the import file.

    Oracle CX Audience validates the format of inbound mobile numbers according to the format selected for your account.

  8. Click Next.

Step 5 – Load file

In this step, you provide load characteristics.

  1. Select the checkbox if you want to enable filtering against the latest load with the same name.

    When selected, you can specify the criteria (via the Filter Designer) for selecting customers within this load to receive a campaign or be exported into a .CSV file.

  2. In Load Name, type the name for the load.

    Load names must not be longer than 100 characters and can include only the following characters: A-Z a-z 0-9 space ! - = @ _ . [ ] { }.

    This information will be available in the Load History for tracking and auditing purposes.

  3. Click Next to begin loading the file.

When your import completes, you can view and edit import details and a list of rejected records, if any. You can download rejected records, resolve any issues, and repeat the import. To view import history, click Actions on the Manage Lists page, and select View Import History.

Valid email formats and top level domains

Email addresses contain a local part and a domain, separated by a "@". Oracle CX Audience validates generic and country code top level domains. For more information, see Understanding List and Data Sources.

Learn more

Understanding Data and List Management

Working with Data

Viewing and Editing List Data

Downloading List Data

Changing List Schemas

Viewing List Load History