View data uploads in progress

You can use the Current List Uploads page to view details about all data uploads that are currently in progress. Uploads may have been generated either by use of Connect or by taking action on a List (Import Data), Profile Extension (Upload), or Custom Table (Merge or Upload-Append).

To view data uploads in progress:

  1. From the navigation menu, choose Data, and then choose View Data Uploads in Progress.
  2. Optionally, click the Refresh link to refresh the list.

To stop a job in progress:

  1. Locate the job you want to stop.
  2. Click the Stop link.

About the Current State

The Current State column displays the current state of the job. The following table describes the status values.

Current State Description
Done The upload is complete.
Loading The job is loading to a temporary table.
Merging The job is merging from the temporary table to the permanent table.
New The job is created.
Pause The upload has been paused.
SystemAbort The upload was stopped by the system.
UserAbort The upload was stopped by the user.

Learn more

Using Connect to import and export data