Using Connect to import and export data

Use Connect to automate the import of data into and export data out of CX Audience. You can define and run Connect jobs one at a time, or collect them into groups to be run sequentially.

To access Connect:

  1. Click A screenshot of the navigation menu icon.
  2. Select Connect from the Data menu.

Using Connect you can:

  • Import list, profile extension, and custom table data into CX Audience.
  • Automate the import of data captured in other systems. For this release, we support import from Adobe Analytics Data Connectors.
  • Export Audiences to Responsys or to your SFTP site via configured Connect jobs.
  • Create groups of jobs, define the order in which they are to be run, and then run the group either on demand or according to a schedule. This allows users to import multiple sets of data in the correct order. For example, you can ensure that a list table is uploaded before updating a profile extension table.
  • View scheduled and completed jobs and details.

Import and export job capabilities

For existing lists, imported Connect jobs can be merged into any existing list records. You may create as many imported jobs as you require.

For custom tables, the following options are available.

  • Merge imported job data into supplemental records.
  • Configure imported jobs to overwrite entire table, or append existing supplemental records.

Jobs can be scheduled and downloaded using any lists, profile extension tables or custom tables.

The following provides examples of other Connect capabilities using the import or export features.

  • Daily list synchronization from a customer database or data warehouse.
  • Daily product table processing (merge, append or overwrite).
  • Partner-feeds.

    Example: Re-marketing segment event data feeds from Web analytics vendors.

Connect page

The main Connect page displays the status of all imported/exported job runs, as well as job details and logs for each complete job run.

All jobs tab

Select the All jobs tab to select and view specifics of imported and exported jobs. Job details include the following.

  • Job ID—auto-assigned job IDs are used to identify each job.
  • Group—name of the group in which a job is included.
  • Name—user-defined import/export job name.
  • Job Type—import or export type.
  • Created on—day and time the job was created.
  • By—user who created the job.
  • Job state—displays whether the job is active.
  • Next run —times of next scheduled job run. Non-recurring jobs are left blank.
  • Previous run —times of previous scheduled job run. Scheduled jobs that have not yet been run are left blank.
  • Schedule type—One-time, Recurring, or On-demand. This field displays "On-demand" for job runs generated when you click Run Now.
  • Expiration date—date on which the Connect job will be deleted.

Running, editing, deleting, stopping, and copying jobs

The following actions are available when managing Connect jobs:

  • Edit—opens upload/download process pages where you can make your modifications. Click A screenshot of the edit icon for this action.
  • Run now—immediately executes selected job. Click Screen shot of the More Options icon then Run now for this action. Using this option does not affect any scheduled future run times.

    Note: This option is not available for Omniture jobs.

  • Delete—deletes selected job. Click Screen shot of the More Options icon then Delete for this action. A confirmation prompt appears before final deletion.

    Note: This option does not delete any loaded records that have previously been successfully processed.

    Tip: To delete multiple jobs, hold down the Shift key as you click on the jobs you want to delete. The jobs you've selected will be highlighted in blue. Click the Delete button that displays to delete all selected jobs.

  • Stop—stops a running job. Click Screen shot of the More Options icon then Stop for this action. A confirmation prompt appears before the job is stopped.
  • Copy —creates a copy of an Inactive import or export job. Click A screenshot of the copy icon for this action. When you copy a job, the Copy dialog opens, where you specify the copy's name. The copied job will be Inactive after it is created. Note that you cannot copy partner integration jobs.

Completed jobs tab

Select the Completed jobs tab to select and view specifics for all activities related to each executed job. Job details include:

  • Job ID and Run ID—auto-assigned job IDs to identify each job. Each instance of a job run execution has its own identifier, and that is a concatenation of the Job ID and Run ID in the form JobID.RunID.
  • Group ID and Run ID—auto-assigned group IDs to identify each group. Each instance of a group run has its own identifier, and that is a concatenation of the Group ID and Run ID in the form GroupID.RunID.
  • Group—name of the group in which a job is included.
  • Name—name of the import/export job.
  • Job type—identifies the import or export job type.
  • Start time and Duration—start and duration times of each activity associated with an individual job.
  • Run status—Failed or Success.

Viewing job execution logs

In the Completed jobs tab, click on the job name to examine load information. This is especially helpful for failed and partially completed jobs, or other issues requiring further investigation.


Select the Group jobs tab to view details of activities related to groups of Connect jobs. Group details include:

  • Group ID—auto-assigned group ID that identifies each group.
  • Created on—day and time the group was created.
  • By—user who created the group.
  • Name—user-defined group name.
  • Next run—next scheduled date for the group to be run.
  • Previous run—date and time when the group was last run.
  • Schedule type—one-time, recurring, or on-demand.
  • Expiration date—date on which the group will be deleted.

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