Creating export jobs

The following details the wizard-driven process for creating and configuring Connect™ export jobs.

To create an export job:

  1. Click A screenshot of the navigation menu icon, and select Connect from the Data menu.
  2. Click Create Job and select Export Data.
  3. Follow the steps in the wizard as described below.

Step 1 – Select object

Select object

  1. Specify the source of your export data:
    • List
    • Audience
    • Profile extension table data
    • Custom table data

    For lists, you can select the Only export records inserted or updated since the time of the last job run to restrict records to those modified since the last job run (based on the timestamp of your last job run).

    Note: If you select this option and use a SQL view data source, you must include the MODIFIED_DATE_ field in the select statement.

  2. After you specify the source, select the name of the specific item you want to export.
    • For Lists, simply pick it from the drop-down list.
    • For an audience or profile extension table, you must select the list to which it relates first.
    • For an audience, you can optionally select a publish template from List of fields to publish. If you do not select a publish template, only the RIID will be included.
    • For custom table data, highlight the file and move it into the Custom table or view  area.

Step 2 – Destination Connectivity

Destination Connectivity

In File Location, provide file server specifications related to accessing a CX Audience file server or an external server to process your export jobs.

Note: Not all accounts have access to the external server options. See your account manager for details.

  • CX Audience File Server – Default connection; configured to transfer/export jobs via your CX Audience SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) account file server. This account includes three directories: upload, download, and archive. You may also create your own directories using an SSH (Secure Shell) client. To complete this configuration selection, specify the directory pathname where your files can be accessed.

    Important: If not already established, Support and your IT team will need to work together to generate an SSH-2 public/private key pair. This ensures secure access to your SCP account via an SSH/SCP client. You may also create your own directories using an SSH (Secure Shell) client.

  • External Server by SFTP – Secure File Transfer Protocol; a secure version of FTP.

    If you select this option, provide the following information:

    • Hostname: Select the hostname from the drop-down list.
    • Directory Path: Enter the pathname of the associated directory.
    • Username: Enter the username for accessing your SFTP connection.
    • Authentication: Two authentication options are available: password or key authorization.
      • Password authorization – Passwords are stored, and may provide simpler access, however, they are not as secure as key authorization.
      • Key authorization – Using a key is the preferred and most secure authorization solution. For details, see Selecting, Importing, or Generating Public Keys.

    To process your first upload job using a key authorization, you must click Access or Generate Key Information, and enter your email address. The resulting email to that address provides your public key information, as well as instructions for adding this public key to your SFTP account.

Step 3 - Destination specification

In this step, you specify settings for the destination file.

  • File to be created – Enter full name of data file to be downloaded. Keep in mind the following:
    • This option is not applicable for Omniture downloads.
    • The Prefix and Suffix are optional.
    • When the file is created, the jobID and executionID are automatically added as a prefix to the file name. This means that you must include the jobID and execution ID when referring to the file.
  • Character set – Select character set for that file.
  • Field delimiter – Select the delimiter (typically a tab or comma) that divides the fields (columns) in the file to be downloaded.
  • Field enclosure – Specify whether text columns are enclosed in single, double quotation marks, or None.
  • Insert column header as first line – Select this option to have the first line of the downloaded file be a column header.
  • Encryption/compression – Select whether to compress your job as a .ZIP or .GZ file and/or to encrypt it. If you choose the option to compress and encrypt the file with PGP/GPG key, click the Select or import key button to select one or more public keys from the list or import a new public key.
  • Additional ready file at completion of download: A ready file is used for validation after the file is exported.
    • Select Create empty file to validate the completion of your download process.
    • Select Create file with record count to compare simple record counts to verify that all expected record counts were transferred.

      Note: For either option, the Ready File and your download job name are the same.

Step 4 – Notification

Select whether to receive email notification after each job run, only after a failed job, or not at all.

Step 5 – Schedule

Select details for when and/or how frequently this job should be scheduled. You can run it once or on a recurring schedule. The typical setting for recurring is once a day. On the main Manage Connect page, you also have the option to manually execute a job displayed in the All jobs section. To do so, click Screen shot of the More Options icon beside the desired job, and click Run now.

Important: To ensure that leap years and months with 31 days do not cause issues, you can schedule the run for the Last day of the month instead of the 29th, 30th, or 31st day of a month when scheduling monthly jobs. Additionally, you cannot schedule a recurring monthly run on the 29th, 30th or 31st day of a month.

Based on the start time you enter, the actual start time value will be selected at random from one of the following intervals: 0-15, 16-30, 31-45, 46-60. For each scheduled job, the system picks a random minute (for example, 12 within the 0-15 segment). This distributes the start times of jobs more evenly.

  • Connect jobs will start at random times within the chosen time slot. If you try to set up a new Connect job in a slot that overlaps with the current time, then an error message may be issued that states that the time selected occurs in the past. Therefore, as a best practice you should always choose the time slot that is after the current time slot when you schedule a Connect job.
  • On the main Manage Connect page, you can manually begin executing a job displayed in the All jobs section. Click Screen shot of the More Options icon beside the desired job, and click Run now

Learn more

Understanding Connect

Creating Import Jobs

Selecting, Importing, or Generating Public Keys

Understanding Data and List Management

Loading Lists from Files

Create and manage publish templates