Register a menu service

Eloqua's menus service is all about context. With menus, you can build an App that enables a marketer to launch an externally-hosted application from within Eloqua via a menu dock. This menu dock floats on the right side of the screen in the Eloqua's campaign canvas or the asset editor screens. When a marketer clicks on your menu app, Eloqua calls out to your service on the specified endpoint URL, passing along information about the asset or area from which your App was launched.

When setting up a menu service, you will need to provide basic service details, as well as the Menu Extension Service Details.

Service Details

These fields are present for all services:

  • Name: the name of the service
  • Description: describes what the service does
  • 32x32px Icon: the URL of the icon that Eloqua should display for your service. The URL must be https://