Import characteristics

Import characteristics are properties you use to control and describe an import with the bulk API. They are optional.

  • name (string): name of this import (maximum 100 characters).

  • isSyncTriggeredOnImport (Boolean): Whether a sync is automatically created by the system import. By default, isSyncTriggeredOnImport is true. If you set it to false, data that you push into the system will not be processed until you explicitly create a sync step for this import.

  • updateRule: Indicates whether to update values in the Eloqua database from values imported with this import definition. The available options are:

    • always: Always update
    • ifNewIsNotNull: Update if the new value is not blank
    • ifExistingIsNull: Update if the existing value is not blank
    • useFieldRule: Use the rule defined at the field level
  • autoDeleteDuration (duration): The length of time before the import or export definition will be automatically deleted. Bulk API 2.0 uses the ISO-8601 standard for specifying all durations. The minimum duration is PT1H (1 hour), there is no maximum. If the property is not set, automatic deletion will not occur. This is typically used for one-time-use export definitions. Import definitions, export definitions and synced data strictly honor this setting.

  • isUpdatingMultipleMatchedRecords (Boolean): When set to true, if Eloqua finds multiple matching records for the identifier field, Eloqua will update all of the fields that match. If set to false, Eloqua updates based on its internal algorithm. For contact imports, the isUpdatingMultipleMatchedRecords property must be set to false in order to update Contact.Field(C_EmailAddress).

  • identifierFieldName (string): The field which will be used to identify the entity. Must be a string value, at least 1 character and at most 100 characters long. The following field types are not supported:

    • Large text
    • Date
    • Boolean
  • dataRetentionDuration (duration): The length of time that unsynchronized data from this import should remain in the staging area. Bulk API 2.0 uses the ISO-8601 standard for specifying all durations. Valid values are anything from PT1H (1 hour) to P2W (2 weeks). This setting will default to P7D (7 days) if not explicitly set during export definition creation. Import definitions, export definitions and synced data strictly honor this setting.

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Import characteristics

Oracle Eloqua Bulk API