HTTP status codes

In most cases Eloqua's APIs will respond to requests with the standard HTTP status code definitions. If the API fails to validate a request, it will respond with a validation error message (JSON or XML) describing the issue.

Here are some common HTTP status codes you may encounter:

  • 200: "OK"
  • 201: "Success"
  • 204: "Success"
  • 301: "Login required"
  • 304: "Not Modified"
  • 400: "There was a parsing error."
  • 400: "Bad Request"
  • 400: "There was a missing reference."
  • 400: "There was a serialization error."
  • 400: "There was a validation error" (see Validation errors)
  • 401: "Login required"
  • 401: "Unauthorized"
  • 401: "You are not authorized to make this request"
  • 403: "Forbidden"
  • 403: "This service has not been enabled for your site."
  • 403: "XSRF Protection Failure"
  • 403: "Eloqua Analyzer license is required"
  • 404: "The requested resource was not found."
  • 409: "There was a conflict."
  • 412: "The resource you are attempting to delete has dependencies, and cannot be deleted"
  • 413: "Storage space exceeded."
  • 429: "Too Many Requests"
  • 500: "The service has encountered an error."
  • 500: "Internal Server Error"
  • 502: "Bad Gateway"
  • 503: "Service Unavailable".
  • 503: "There was a timeout processing the request".

    Note: 503 status codes indicate a temporary server error that is likely to be alleviated after some delay. It's recommended to check Eloqua System Status, and wait to retry after any planned or unplanned unavailability is complete. If Eloqua is available at the time of the 503, it's recommended to retry, placing more delay between retries if the requests continue to be unsuccessful.