POST api/REST/2.0/assets/email/deployment

This endpoint is used to create and send an HTML email deployment to up to 2000 contacts.

Request parameters





Possible values

type string The type of email deployment.
  • EmailInlineDeployment

    Sends an HTML email to up to 2000 contacts

Note: The activity's email send type will appear as SalesTools.

name string The name of the deployment.  
contacts array

The array of contact IDs of the contacts to send to.


Nested schema: email

Details about the HTML email deployment.




Possible values

type string The asset's type in Eloqua. Email
name string

The name of the email asset.

Note: The name is not actually read so any value can be used but it is still required.

subject string The email subject.  
id string (Optional) The email ID to specify if you want to send an existing email deployment.  

Nested schema: htmlContent

The HTML content for the email deployment.




Possible values

type string The email type. Must be RawHtmlContent. RawHtmlContent
html string The raw HTML content for the email.  





Possible values

sendFromUserId string The ID of the user to use as the sender of the email. The default will use the current user.  
sendDate string A date in the future to schedule the deployment. If the date is in the past, or not specified, the deployment is scheduled immediately. The format is Unix Time.  
externalSource string Indicates the source of the email. If not specified, set to Unknown.
  • Unknown
  • Engage
  • SalesCloud
depth string Level of detail returned by the request. The default will be complete. Learn more about the depth parameter.
  • minimal
  • partial
  • complete

Response parameters




Possible values



The type of email deployment.


Note: The activity's Email Send Type will appear as EmailInlineDeployment.

currentStatus string Current deployment status.
  • normal
  • locked
  • forceComplete
  • inError
  • resend
id string The ID of the email asset  
depth string The request's level of detail. complete



The name of the deployment.

permissions array Permission values of the deployment granted to the current user.  
successfulSendCount string The number of emails which have been successfully sent so far.  
failedSendCount string The number of emails which failed during send so far.  
sendDate string

The date the deployment was scheduled for send. The format is Unix Time. If scheduled for a future date, the email will be deployed at the future date and time. Otherwise the email will be sent right away.

sentContent string The contents of the email sent.  
sentSubject string The email subject.  
successfulSendCount string The amount of email deployments sent successfully to contacts.  
clickthroughCount string The count of user clickthroughs recorded on the email.  
contacts array The array of contact ids of the contacts to the deployment will attempt to send to.  
externalSource string Indicates the source of the email. If not specified, set to Unknown.
  • Unknown
  • Engage
  • SalesCloud
openCount string The count of user email opens for the email.  
sendFromUserId string

The ID of the user used as the sender of the email.

statistics array Statistics about the email deployment such as bounceback type, clickthrough count, email open date, and email send date. Retrieve an email deployment to see email deployment statistics.  

Nested schema: email




Possible values

type string The asset's type in Eloqua. Email
id string The ID of the email asset.  
name string The name of the email asset.  

Nested schema: htmlContent

The HTML content for the email deployment.




Possible values

type string The email type. Must be RawHtmlContent. RawHtmlContent
html string The raw HTML content for the email.  


Create and send an email deployment for an HTML email to two contacts:

POST /assets/email/deployment

Request body:

  "type": "EmailInlineDeployment",
  "depth": "complete",
  "name": "Email Send Future Date",
  "email": {
    "type": "Email",
    "name": "Test Inline Deployment",
    "subject": "Email Deployment Test",
    "htmlContent": {
      "type": "RawHtmlContent",
      "html": "<html><head></head><body>Test Inline Deployment</body></html>"
  "sendDate": "1601363751",
  "externalSource": "SalesCloud",
  "sendFromUserId": 2,
  "contacts": [
      "id": 3,
      "id": 4


  "type": "EmailInlineDeployment",
  "currentStatus": "normal",
  "id": "209",
  "depth": "complete",
  "name": "Email Send Future Date",
  "permissions": [
  "email": {
    "type": "Email",
    "replyToEmail": "",
    "replyToName": "New Client",
    "senderEmail": "",
    "senderName": "New Client"
  "failedSendCount": "0",
  "sendDate": "1601363751",
  "sentContent": "<html><head></head><body>Test Inline Deployment</body></html>",
  "sentSubject": "Email Deployment Test",
  "successfulSendCount": "0",
  "clickthroughCount": "0",
  "contacts": [],
  "externalSource": "SalesCloud",
  "openCount": "0",
  "sendFromUserId": "2",
  "statistics": []

Learn more

Email deployment API

Application API