POST api/REST/2.0/assets/email/deployment

This low volume endpoint is used to create and send an email deployment for an existing email asset to up to 100 contacts.

Request parameters





Possible values

type string The type of email deployment. EmailLowVolumeDeployment

Note: The activity's email send type will appear as LowVolumeAPI.

name string The name of the deployment.  
contactIds array The array of contact IDs of the contacts to send to. The number of contactIds in the array is limited to: Minimum: 1, Maximum: 100.  

Nested schema: email

The email to send. The selected email cannot be modified as part of an email deployment request.




Possible values

type string The asset's type in Eloqua. Email
id string The ID of the email asset  
name string

The name of the email asset.

Note: The name is not actually read so any value can be used but it is still required.






Possible values

sendFromUserId string The ID of the user to use as the sender of the email. If specified, then the signatureRuleId must not be specified. The default will use the current user.  
signatureRuleId string The asset id of the signature rule to use. If specified then the sendFromUserId must not be specified.  
notificationEmailAddress string The email address of the user to send a deployment notification email to. Must be the email address in the user's profile, in email address format.  
sendDate string A date in the future to schedule the deployment. If the date is in the past, or not specified, the deployment is scheduled immediately. The format is Unix Time.  

Nested schema: sendOptions




Possible values

allowResend string Allow resending this email asset to the contact. The default is true.  
allowSendToMasterExclude string Allow sending to contacts in the master exclude list. The default is false.  
allowSendToUnsubscribe string Allow sending to globally unsubscribed contacts. The default is false.  
allowSendToGroupUnsubscribe string Allow sending to contacts unsubscribed from the email group. The default is true.  
allowSendToBounceback string Allow sending to contacts that are marked as having bounced. The default is false.  

Response parameters




Possible values



The type of email deployment.


Note: The activity's Email Send Type will appear as LowVolumeAPI.



The name of the deployment.

contactIds array The array of contact ids of the contacts to the deployment will attempt to send to. Contacts that were filtered out during deployment creation because of sendOptions are removed from this array and are included in the exclusions array.  
exclusions array The array of errors describing the reason each contact was excluded from the deployment.  
successfulSendCount string The number of emails which have been successfully sent so far.  
failedSendCount string The number of emails which failed during send so far.  
currentStatus string Current deployment status.
  • normal
  • locked
  • forceComplete
  • inError
  • resend
sendFromUserId string

The ID of the user used as the sender of the email.

Note: If signatureRuleId is set, sendFromUserId will display the user id of the user who sent the request.

signatureRuleId string The ID of the signature rule used if specified on creation.  
sendDate string The date the deployment was scheduled for send. The format is Unix Time.  
notificationEmailAddress string The email address of the user which was sent a deployment notification email if specified on creation.  
permissions array Permission values of the deployment granted to the current user.  
depth string The request's level of detail. complete

Nested schema: email




Possible values

type string The asset's type in Eloqua. Email
id string The ID of the email asset.  
name string The name of the email asset.  

Note: For a full list of parameters returned within the email object see Retrieve an email response parameters.

Nested schema: sendOptions




Possible values

type string The type of send options EmailSendOptions
allowResend string Whether or not this email is allowed to be resent to the contact.  
allowSendToMasterExclude string Whether or not this email is allowed to be sent to contacts in the master exclude list.  
allowSendToUnsubscribe string Whether or not this email is allowed to be sent to globally unsubscribed contacts.  
allowSendToGroupUnsubscribe string Whether or not this email is allowed to be sent to contacts unsubscribed from the email group.  
allowSendToBounceback string Whether or not this email is allowed to be sent to contacts that are marked as having bounced.  


Create and send an email deployment for an existing email asset to two contacts:

POST /assets/email/deployment

Request body:

								"type": "EmailLowVolumeDeployment",
								"name": "REST Low Volume 01",
								"contactIds": [
								"email": {
								"type": "Email",
								"id": "101",
								"name": "test01"
								"signatureRuleId": "1",
								"notificationEmailAddress": "",
								"sendDate": "1468622700",
								"sendOptions": {
								"allowResend": "true",
								"allowSendToUnsubscribe": "false"


								"type": "EmailLowVolumeDeployment",
								"currentStatus": "normal",
								"id": "5",
								"depth": "complete",
								"name": "REST Low Volume 01",
								"permissions": [
								"email": {
								"type": "Email",
								"currentStatus": "Draft",
								"id": "101",
								"createdAt": "1468621285",
								"createdBy": "11",
								"depth": "complete",
								"folderId": "42",
								"name": "Test_Low_Volume_Email",
								"permissions": [
								"updatedAt": "1468621363",
								"updatedBy": "11",
								"archive": "false",
								"bounceBackEmail": "",
								"contentSections": [],
								"dynamicContents": [],
								"emailFooterId": "1",
								"emailGroupId": "4",
								"emailHeaderId": "1",
								"encodingId": "3",
								"fieldMerges": [],
								"forms": [],
								"htmlContent": {
								"type": "RawHtmlContent",
								"contentSource": "upload",
								"html": "<!DOCTYPE html> \r\n<html>\r\n  <head>  </head>\r\n  <body>\r\n    <p>Test Low Volume Email</p>\r\n  </body> \r\n</html>"
								"hyperlinks": [],
								"images": [],
								"isContentProtected": "false",
								"isPlainTextEditable": "false",
								"isPrivate": "False",
								"isTracked": "true",
								"layout": "{}",
								"plainText": "\r\nTest Low Volume Email\r\n\r\n",
								"renderMode": "Flow",
								"replyToEmail": "",
								"replyToName": "API User",
								"sendPlainTextOnly": "false",
								"senderEmail": "",
								"senderName": "API User",
								"style": "{}",
								"subject": "Test Low Volume"
								"failedSendCount": "0",
								"successfulSendCount": "0",
								"contactIds": [
								"notificationEmailAddress": "",
								"sendDate": "1468622700",
								"sendFromUserId": "11",
								"sendOptions": {
								"type": "EmailSendOptions",
								"allowResend": "true",
								"allowSendToBounceback": "false",
								"allowSendToGroupUnsubscribe": "true",
								"allowSendToMasterExclude": "false",
								"allowSendToUnsubscribe": "false"
								"signatureRuleId": "1"

Learn more

Email deployment API

Application API