Activity detail values

Version 1.0

The table below lists all contact activity detail values retrieved using the GET /api/REST/1.0/data/activities/contact/{id} endpoint.

Asset type Activity type Detail Name Description
campaign campaignMembership Responded Whether the contact has entered a campaign and met a response rule
CampaignName The campaign asset's name
LeadStage The contact's current stage in the marketing funnel
email emailClickThrough EmailClickedThruLink The URL within the email the contact clicked
EmailName The email asset's name
EmailWebLink The URL to the online version of the email
EmailRecipientId The ID of the email recipient
SubjectLine The email asset's subject line
DeploymentId The ID associated with the email deployment
emailOpen EmailName The email asset's name
EmailWebLink The URL to the online version of the email
EmailRecipientId The ID of the email recipient
IPAddress The IP Address where the email was opened
SubjectLine The email asset's subject line
DeploymentId The ID associated with the email deployment
emailSend EmailName The email asset's name
EmailWebLink The URL to the online version of the email
EmailRecipientId The ID of the email recipient
SubjectLine The email asset's subject line
DeploymentId The ID associated with the email deployment
emailSubscribe CampaignName The campaign asset's name
EmailCampaignId The ID of the email group
emailUnsubscribe CampaignName The campaign asset's name
EmailCampaignId The ID of the email group
form formSubmit Collection A collection of form field data submitted
FormName The form asset's name
web webVisit Duration Length of time spent on the web visit
QueryString Query string of the visited URL.
QueryStringDisplay Display name of the query string parameter
URL The URL visited
Thread The thread ID of the web visit

Version 2.0

The table below lists all contact activity detail values retrieved using the GET/api/REST/2.0/data/activities/contact/{id} endpoint.

Asset type Activity type Detail Name Description
campaign campaignMembership Responded Whether the contact has entered a campaign and met a response rule
CampaignName The campaign asset's name
LeadStage The contact's current stage in the marketing funnel
email emailClickThrough EmailClickedThruLink The URL within the email the contact clicked
EmailName The email asset's name
EmailWebLink The URL to the online version of the email
EmailRecipientId The ID of the email recipient
SubjectLine The email asset's subject line
DeploymentId The ID associated with the email deployment
emailOpen EmailName The email asset's name
EmailWebLink The URL to the online version of the email
EmailRecipientId The ID of the email recipient
IPAddress The IP Address where the email was opened
SubjectLine The email asset's subject line
DeploymentId The ID associated with the email deployment
emailSend EmailName The email asset's name
EmailWebLink The URL to the online version of the email
EmailRecipientId The ID of the email recipient
SubjectLine The email asset's subject line
DeploymentId The ID associated with the email deployment
emailSubscribe CampaignName The campaign asset's name
EmailCampaignId The ID of the email group
emailUnsubscribe CampaignName The campaign asset's name
EmailCampaignId The ID of the email group
form formSubmit Collection A collection of form field data submitted
FormName The form asset's name
web webVisit Duration Length of time spent on the web visit
QueryString Query string of the visited URL.
QueryStringDisplay Display name of the query string parameter
URL The URL visited
Thread The thread ID of the web visit




The SMS asset’s purpose (Transactional/Promotional)


Sender codes



The SMS asset’s purpose (Transactional/Promotional)


Sender codes


SMS delivery ID




The SMS asset’s purpose (Transactional/Promotional)


Clicked URL



The SMS asset’s purpose (Transactional/Promotional)


Sender codes


SMS keyword



The SMS asset’s purpose (Transactional/Promotional)


Description of the delivery receipt, from carrier


Type of bounceback (Soft/Hard)



Sender codes


Error description





Learn more

Retrieve a list of activities (Application API)

Retrieve a list of activity field definitions (Bulk API)

Activity fields

Application API