Using multiple branded domains with the application API

When Multiple Branded Domains is enabled in your instance, a new property named brandId is added to the Application API Email endpoints.

Important: To access this feature, please contact your account representative to purchase the Oracle Eloqua Premium Branding and Configuration Cloud Service - Multiple Brands.

In this topic:

Impacted endpoints

When Multiple Branded Domains is enabled, the following endpoints will be impacted:

brandId notes

  • brandId is returned at complete and partial depth, when retrieving, updating, or creating an email.

  • brandId is returned as a string that indicates the ID of the selected Brand.

  • When creating a new email in Eloqua, brandId is set to the default Brand.

  • Emails created prior to enabling this feature will not return brandId until the email is updated.

  • When creating an email using the API, if brandId is not included in the request, brandId will be set to the default Brand.

  • When updating an email using the API, if brandId is not included in the request, brandId will not be modified if set.

  • To retrieve the Brand IDs, create emails in the UI set to each Brand, then retrieve each email using the Retrieve an email endpoint to view the ID.

Example requests

Create a new email without specifying brandId


POST /api/REST/2.0/assets/email
    "name": "multiple_branded_domains_API_create_default",
    "subject": "Test subject line",
    "htmlContent": {
        "type": "RawHtmlContent",
        "html": "<html><head></head><body>This is the email.</body></html>"


    "type": "Email",
    "currentStatus": "Draft",
    "id": "190980",
    "createdAt": "1622058063",
    "createdBy": "3",
    "depth": "complete",
    "folderId": "42",
    "name": "multiple_branded_domains_API_create_default",
    "permissions": [
    "updatedAt": "1622058063",
    "updatedBy": "3",
    "archived": "false",
    "bounceBackEmail": "",
    "brandId": "43",
    "contentSections": [],
    "dynamicContents": [],
    "encodingId": "3",
    "fieldMerges": [],
    "forms": [],
    "htmlContent": {
        "type": "RawHtmlContent",
        "contentSource": "upload",
        "html": "<html><head></head><body>This is the email.</body></html>"
    "hyperlinks": [],
    "images": [],
    "isContentProtected": "false",
    "isPlainTextEditable": "false",
    "isPrivate": "False",
    "isTracked": "false",
    "layout": "",
    "plainText": "This is the email.",
    "renderMode": "Fixed",
    "replyToEmail": "",
    "replyToName": "Test",
    "sendPlainTextOnly": "false",
    "senderEmail": "",
    "senderName": "Test",
    "style": "",
    "subject": "Test subject line",
    "virtualMTAId": "1"

Create a new email setting brandId to 140


POST /api/REST/2.0/assets/email
    "name": "multiple_branded_domains_API_create_140",
    "subject": "Test subject line",
    "htmlContent": {
        "type": "RawHtmlContent",
        "html": "<html><head></head><body>This is the email.</body></html>"
    "brandId": "140"


    "type": "Email",
    "currentStatus": "Draft",
    "id": "190981",
    "createdAt": "1622058361",
    "createdBy": "3",
    "depth": "complete",
    "folderId": "42",
    "name": "multiple_branded_domains_API_create_140",
    "permissions": [
    "updatedAt": "1622058361",
    "updatedBy": "3",
    "archived": "false",
    "bounceBackEmail": "",
    "brandId": "140",
    "contentSections": [],
    "dynamicContents": [],
    "encodingId": "3",
    "fieldMerges": [],
    "forms": [],
    "htmlContent": {
        "type": "RawHtmlContent",
        "contentSource": "upload",
        "html": "<html><head></head><body>This is the email.</body></html>"
    "hyperlinks": [],
    "images": [],
    "isContentProtected": "false",
    "isPlainTextEditable": "false",
    "isPrivate": "False",
    "isTracked": "false",
    "layout": "",
    "plainText": "This is the email.",
    "renderMode": "Fixed",
    "replyToEmail": "",
    "replyToName": "Test",
    "sendPlainTextOnly": "false",
    "senderEmail": "",
    "senderName": "Test",
    "style": "",
    "subject": "Test subject line",
    "virtualMTAId": "1"

Update the previously created email to brandId 43


PUT /api/REST/2.0/assets/email/190981
    "name": "multiple_branded_domains_API_create_secondary_updateTo43",
    "id": "190981",
    "brandId": "43"


    "type": "Email",
    "currentStatus": "Draft",
    "id": "190981",
    "initialId": "190981",
    "createdAt": "1622058361",
    "createdBy": "3",
    "depth": "complete",
    "folderId": "42",
    "name": "multiple_branded_domains_API_create_secondary_updateTo43",
    "permissions": [
    "updatedAt": "1622058613",
    "updatedBy": "3",
    "archived": "false",
    "bounceBackEmail": "",
    "brandId": "43",
    "contentSections": [],
    "dynamicContents": [],
    "encodingId": "3",
    "fieldMerges": [],
    "forms": [],
    "htmlContent": {
        "type": "RawHtmlContent",
        "contentSource": "upload",
        "html": "<html><head></head></html>"
    "hyperlinks": [],
    "images": [],
    "isContentProtected": "false",
    "isPlainTextEditable": "false",
    "isPrivate": "False",
    "isTracked": "false",
    "layout": "",
    "plainText": " ",
    "renderMode": "Fixed",
    "replyToEmail": "",
    "replyToName": "Test",
    "sendPlainTextOnly": "false",
    "senderEmail": "",
    "senderName": "Test",
    "style": "",
    "subject": "Test subject line",
    "virtualMTAId": "1"

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