Users REST Endpoints

Users API endpoints.
Create a user
Method: post
Path: /api/rest/2.0/system/user
Delete a user
Method: delete
Path: /api/rest/2.0/system/user/{id}
Enable or disable a user
Method: put
Path: /api/rest/2.0/system/user/{id}/enabled
Retrieve a list of users
Method: get
Path: /api/rest/2.0/system/users
Retrieve a user
Method: get
Path: /api/rest/2.0/system/user/{id}
Retrieve the current user
Method: get
Path: /api/rest/2.0/system/user/current
Update a user
Method: put
Path: /api/rest/2.0/system/user/{id}
Update a user's password
Method: put
Path: /api/rest/2.0/system/user/{id}/password