Retrieve batch form submission details by batchCorrelationId



Retrieves batch form submission details for the specified formId and batchCorrelationId


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Level of detail returned by the request. Eloqua APIs can retrieve entities at three different levels of depth: minimal, partial, and complete. Any other values passed are reset to complete by default. For more information, see Request depth.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : AsyncFormSubmissionBatch
Type: object
Title: AsyncFormSubmissionBatch
Show Source
  • The unique identifier of the batch. Optional String field. If present, must be unique across created batches. If batchCorrelationId is not unique, then the entire batch will fail. The batchCorrelationId is persisted and could be used to retrieve form batch details.
  • The URL to be called back once processing of form submisssion batch is completed
  • The current status of the batch. Possible values: Queued, InProgress, Warning, Error, Success. This is a read-only property.
  • Current status of form submission batch when submitted through asynchronous submission
  • Level of detail returned by the request. Eloqua APIs can retrieve entities at three different levels of depth: minimal, partial, and complete. Any other values passed are reset to complete by default. For more information, see Request depth.
  • elements
    A list of form data elements
  • Read Only: true
    The ID of the asynchronous form submission batch. This is a read-only property
  • The processing status of the batch. This is a read-only property.
  • The asset's type in Eloqua. This is a read-only property
Nested Schema : elements
Type: array
A list of form data elements
Show Source
Nested Schema : FormData
Type: object
Title: FormData
Show Source
  • The unique identifier of form submission within the batch. Optional String field. If present, must be unique across created batches. If correlationId is not unique, then the entire batch will fail. The correlationId is persisted and could be used to identify the form submit.
  • The current status of the form submission job. Possible values: Queued, InProgress, Error, and Success.
  • fieldValues
    A list of key/value pairs identifying the form data (field name / value)
  • Read Only: true
    The ID of the form submit if synchronous or ID of the form submission job if asynchronous. This is a read-only property
  • Unix timestamp for the date and time the form data was processed if submitted through asynchronous submission. This is a read-only property
  • processingStepErrors
    A list of Processing Step Errors occurred in current form submission. This is a read-only property
  • In case of an asynchronous form submission if processed then submit ID of form submission. This is a read-only property
  • Unix timestamp for the date and time the form data was submitted. This is a read-only property
  • The ID of the contact that submitted the form. This is a read-only property
  • The asset's type in Eloqua. This is a read-only property
  • validationErrors
    Validation errors if any occured in form submission. This is a read-only property
Nested Schema : fieldValues
Type: array
A list of key/value pairs identifying the form data (field name / value)
Show Source
Nested Schema : processingStepErrors
Type: array
A list of Processing Step Errors occurred in current form submission. This is a read-only property
Show Source
Nested Schema : validationErrors
Type: array
Validation errors if any occured in form submission. This is a read-only property
Show Source
Nested Schema : FieldValue
Type: object
Title: FieldValue
Show Source
  • Read Only: true
    The id of the field to be set to the corresponding value.
  • Name of the field value.
  • The asset's type in Eloqua. This is a read-only property.
  • The value to set the corresponding field id to. Date values must be submitted as a unix timestamp.
Nested Schema : ProcessingStepError
Type: object
Title: ProcessingStepError
Show Source
Nested Schema : ObjectValidationError
Type: object
Title: ObjectValidationError
Show Source
Nested Schema : ObjectKey
Type: object
Title: ObjectKey
Show Source
Nested Schema : Requirement
Type: object
Title: Requirement
Show Source

400 Response

Bad request. See Status Codes for information about other possible HTTP status codes.

401 Response

Unauthorized. See Status Codes for information about other possible HTTP status codes.

403 Response

Forbidden. See Status Codes for information about other possible HTTP status codes.

404 Response

The requested resource was not found. See Status Codes for information about other possible HTTP status codes.

500 Response

The service has encountered an error. See Status Codes for information about other possible HTTP status codes.
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The following examples demonstrate how to retrieve batch form submission details using an HTTP request and cURL. For more information on requests, see API requests.

HTTP request examples

Retrieve batch form submission details for the form with ID 3 and the batchCorrelationId BBB61C0B-8B95-4050-8D0F-11A0587E50EF:

GET /api/REST/2.0/data/form/3/batchCorrelation/formData/BBB61C0B-8B95-4050-8D0F-11A0587E50EF
Content-Type: application/json 


  "type": "AsyncFormSubmissionBatch",
  "id": "1",
  "batchCorrelationId": "bbb61c0b-8b95-4050-8d0f-11a0587e50ef",
  "callbackUrl": "",
  "currentBatchStatus": "Success",
  "depth": "complete",
  "elements": [
      "type": "FormData",
      "currentStatus": "Success",
      "id": "14",
      "fieldValues": [
          "type": "FieldValue",
          "id": "1",
          "value": "John"
          "type": "FieldValue",
          "id": "9",
          "value": ""
          "type": "FieldValue",
          "id": "2",
          "value": "Snow"
          "type": "FieldValue",
          "id": "10",
          "value": ""
          "type": "FieldValue",
          "id": "3",
          "value": ""
          "type": "FieldValue",
          "id": "11",
          "value": ""
          "type": "FieldValue",
          "id": "12",
          "value": ""
          "type": "FieldValue",
          "id": "13",
          "value": ""
          "type": "FieldValue",
          "id": "291",
          "value": ""
      "processingStepErrors": [
          "type": "ProcessingStepError",
          "errorCode": 1000,
          "errorDescription": "Please contact administrator",
          "errorMessage": "ProcessingStep : ProcessingStepGenericError",
          "processingStepDisplayName": "Send Email",
          "processingStepId": "211",
          "processingStepTypeId": "5"
      "submittedAt": "1604428480",
      "correlationId": "bbb61c0b-8b95-4050-8d0f-12a0587e50ef",
      "processedAt": "1604428483",
      "rowId": 255
  "processingStatus": "Warning"

At minimal depth, retrieve batch form submission details for the form with ID 3 and the batchCorrelationId BBB61C0B-8B95-4050-8D0F-11A0587E50EF:

GET /api/REST/2.0/data/form/3/batchCorrelation/formData/BBB61C0B-8B95-4050-8D0F-11A0587E50EF?depth=minimal
Content-Type: application/json 


  "type": "AsyncFormSubmissionBatch",
  "id": "1",
  "batchCorrelationId": "bbb61c0b-8b95-4050-8d0f-11a0587e50ef",
  "callbackUrl": "",
  "currentBatchStatus": "Success",
  "depth": "minimal",
  "processingStatus": "Warning"

cURL example

Here is the first example in cURL given an instance with the name APITest, username API.User, and pod of 3.

curl --user "APITest\API.User" --request GET
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