Audiences in Oracle Guided Campaigns

Important: Oracle Guided Campaigns is only available if you have purchased licenses. Please contact your account representative for more information.

To create a campaign in Oracle Guided Campaigns, you must start with audience preparation. You can choose from an existing segment from Oracle Eloqua, or you can upload one directly to Oracle Guided Campaigns.

Getting ready for audience preparation

While the contact schema can be flexible, the fields in the imported list must include: email address, company and industry. Email address and company values must be mapped to the out of the box email and company fields provided by Oracle Eloqua.


Using an existing Eloqua segment

In the Audiences step of a guided process, you will see a list of available segments within your connected Oracle Eloqua instance.

You can search for your desired segment by adding search terms into the search box and pressing Enter, which will filter your search results to just the matching search terms.

To choose the appropriate segment, select it and press Add to Campaign.

Uploading your audience

On the Audience step of tactics, the ability is there to upload an audience in .csv format.

Preparing contacts file for upload

If you are uploading your audience to Oracle Guided Campaigns, prepare the upload file and use the following steps to upload.

  1. Before uploading, create your upload file (.csv). The upload file should only contain the field headings and the contacts for the audience.

  2. On the Audience step, click Upload Audience.

  3. Choose to create a brand new audience, or add your .csv list to an existing audience (that is, Eloqua segment), click Next to confirm.

  4. Name your new audience, or select the existing one you wish to add to.

  5. Drag your .csv file into the upload widget, or click the widget to browse your computer for the file.

  6. After your file is selected, review your preview for accuracy. Then click Next to proceed.

  7. Using the drop-downs on the right for each row, choose the Oracle Eloqua field that you are mapping your upload data into.

  8. In the Record Handling section, leave Email Address as the uniquely match in field. Only change this if you have a different unique identifier.

  9. In the Update Existing fields as, choose the overwrite method that should be used if a record already exists with your unique identifier. See below for details.

    An image illustrating the record handling options

  10. Then click Next and enter your email if you want an upload notification sent to you.

  11. Click Finish to complete your upload.

Record handling explained

Record handling is how Oracle Eloqua will react if a record already exists with your unique identifier. The following describes the options:

  • Set as Default - use your Oracle Eloqua system's default (recommended).

  • Always update - always update your Oracle Eloqua record's field with your new data.

  • Update when blank - only add data to a field if no data is present in the field for that record.

  • Update if new value is not blank - overwrite data in all situations where data is present in your new upload file


Your upload will process and be selectable in the Audiences step of a tactic once it has completed.

Previewing your audience

Before you choose an audience, you can preview the contacts within your audiences.

To preview the contacts within an audience, choose the Preview Contacts icon from the right side of the audience selector.

An image illustrating the audience preview icons

Learn more

Oracle Guided Campaigns Tactics

Guided Campaigns, Audiences, Segments, Upload