Salesforce Integration app FAQs

For more FAQs, see here.

Q. Why are my Salesforce App converted leads not clearing the IDs?

This might be happening because your create lead action and converted lead import have the incorrect data priority. The import needs to either have a higher priority or the same priority as the import.

Q. What Salesforce version is required to use the Salesforce Integration app?

A. Any Salesforce version that comes with API access is supported. For more details, see Salesforce editions with API access.

Q. Can we revert to our native integration if issues arise?

A. The two integrations can run side-by-side.

Q. What are the minimum required SFDC OAuth scopes?

A. At a minimum, the following scopes are required:

  • Access and manage your data (api)
  • Full access (full)
  • Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)

The custom_permissions scope is recommended. Determining whether it is needed depends on your Salesforce configuration.

Q. I am having trouble creating a connection for the Salesforce Integration app. Why won't it allow me to save the connection?

A. In the Default Field Mappings section (below the Connected App section), verify that you have mapped the ID fields.

Q. When I try to configure the Salesforce Integration app, some Salesforce fields are missing. What can I do?

A. Verify the Salesforce permissions for the account used to authenticate the app. Determine whether the account has read-only access to specific Salesforce objects and their fields, because read-only fields are not visible to Eloqua's Salesforce Integration app.

Q. Do I need to refresh the app to get the latest Salesforce updates?

A. The Salesforce Integration app updates automatically. You do not need to refresh it.

Q. I do not see a configured action in any canvas. What can I do?

A. Verify that your configured action is enabled. Disabled actions are not displayed on any canvas.

Q. Does the Salesforce Integration app require Salesforce's 18-character ID?

A. Yes, 15-character IDs are not supported. If your instance currently uses 15-character IDs, data will either need to be removed or the IDs updated.

Q. We use an internal SSO (Single Sign-On) service to login into Salesforce, and we run into the HTTP/302 error while trying to authenticate the SFDC App. What can we do to resolve it?

A. You will need to specify the configuration details of your SSO service in the Web App Setting section of the SFDC Connected App. Please contact your SFDC Admin for further help.

Q. What is the process for switching from 15- to 18-character IDs?

A. A check box on every external call (and within auto-sync settings) to use 15- or 18-character IDs must be changed to 18-character.

An image of the External Call window where you can specify 18-character IDs

If data is being sent from Salesforce into Eloqua custom objects or Eloqua's opportunity object, switching to 18-character IDs may be difficult. For custom object imports, you can optionally delete all data from the custom object, change the auto-sync to use 18-character IDs, then re-synchronize all data into the custom object. The Oracle Operations team must make any Eloqua opportunity object updates.

Q. Does the app support multiple Salesforce instances?

A. The app can be configured to sync data across multiple Salesforce instances, excluding Campaigns. Eloqua Campaigns and Campaign Responses data sync can be done to a single Salesforce instance.

Q. Does the app support Salesforce's custom objects?


  • All Salesforce objects are supported bidirectionally.
  • All Eloqua objects are supported except for accounts in actions.

Q. What are the differences between native integration and the app-based integration?

A. The app-based integration offers the following key benefits:

  • Faster outbound and inbound data flow. 
  • Easier to configure and use.
  • Supports multiple connections (excluding Campaign and Campaign Responses).

Q. Where can I access the SFDC Integration App?

A. Please visit the Cloud Marketplace:

Q. Does the new integration leverage Oracle Integration Cloud Service (OIC)?

A. No.

Q. Does the App require the use of SFDC 18-char ID?

A. There is a checkbox on every external call (and within auto-sync settings) to use 15 or 18 character IDs. This must be changed to 18 characters. If data is being from SFDC into Eloqua custom objects or Eloqua's opportunity object, switching to 18 character IDs may be a bit more laborious. For custom object imports, the worst case is to delete all data from the custom object, change the auto-sync to use 18 character IDs, then re-sync all data into the custom object. Eloqua's opportunity object must be updated by the Oracle Ops Team.

Q: Why do I see a "Record could not be found in result set" Salesforce error?

A: Make sure that you are not using the string #N/A as a value on any Eloqua field. The SFDC App uses this special string internally to set the Salesforce field value to null. If used, an internal record mismatch will occur and Salesforce will return following error: "Record could not be found in result set." This special string is case sensitive, so any other combination such as #n/a will work just fine.

Q. How is Lead conversion handled in imports?

A. Converted leads can be imported by using a filter.

Q. What is the maximum number of field mappings in the Salesforce App imports? How about actions?

A. Up to 100 fields can be configured on any import, including related object fields (if applicable). There is a limit of 250 field mappings on actions.

Q. I configured the User import. However, I’m getting the “Unsuccessful response from Eloqua” error message. What should I do?

A. Eloqua Login Name must be in the FirstName.LastName format. Typically, Salesforce username does not follow this format and causes the error. To resolve it, Salesforce app users can either match Users import on the Email Address or export Eloqua Login Name to Salesforce and later use it as a Unique Identifier in imports. Please note that the following fields are required on any User import: First Name, Last Name, Full Name and Login Name. Syncing Salesforce User Id is highly recommended as well.

Q. We are having trouble creating a Connection in Eloqua Production for the SFDC Integration App. It won’t allow me to save the connection.

A. Please get the ID fields been mapped (just below the connected app details).

Q. How does the App compare with the Native integration?

A. The Salesforce Integration app includes:

  • All SFDC objects supported, bidirectionally.
  • All Eloqua objects supported with the exception of Accounts in Actions.
  • Closed-Loop Reporting is supported.
  • Configurable Import Frequency - min every 15 minutes.
  • Actions used in a Canvas.
  • Nomenclature changes:
    SFDC AppNative Integration
    ActionsInternal Events/External Calls

Q. How do I transition from the Native Integration to the new App?

A. Once the App is installed and the connection to Salesforce is configured, you need to add new Imports and Actions in the App that follow the same object and field mapping rules as defined in existing Native Integration Assets. In addition, you need to add any applicable Actions to a Campaign or Program Canvas.

Q. Can the Jordo's playbook be applied to the new App?

A. No, the Jordo's playbook is applicable only in SFDC Native Integration. The App can be configured to automatically check for the Email Address Change.

Q. If I re-install or update the App, will I lose configured assets?

A. When you update the App, all existing configurations will be preserved. If you re-install the App, you will need to configure the App from scratch.

Learn more

Salesforce Integration app

Salesforce Integration app, SFDC, FAQ, 18-character ID, lead conversion, OAuth