Exporting an audit log

Important: To access the audit log history, you must have the Manage Auditing action permission and Audit Log interface access.

The audit history UI allows you to view audit log data for the last 3 months. You can access up to 25 months of data by exporting an audit log. You can export an audit log to a .xls or .csv file.

After you export, Oracle Eloqua emails a link to download the export file to the provided email address. The export file is available to download for 14 days.

A maximum of 5 million audit log records can be exported at one time. It can take up to 5 minutes to export 5 million records. Break up your export to improve performance.

An image highlighing the Export Data button

To export an audit log:

  1. Select Home An image of the Home icon. and then select Audit Log.
  2. Select the tab for the audit log you want to view.
  3. Set your filter criteria.
  4. Enter an email address where the download link to the audit log should be sent.
  5. Select the file type (.csv or .xls).
  6. Click Export .

Learn more

Viewing an audit log

Audit log data