Creating a new shared filter for lead scoring

To integrate your lead scores with CRM using a native CRM integration, you must create and configure a shared filter for your lead scoring CRM integration.

To create a new shared filter:

  1. Navigate to Audience > Tools, then click Shared Filters.
  2. Click New.

    An image of the New button.

  3. Add Filter Criteria as shown below:

    An image of Filter Criteria.

  4. Share the Filter and name it “Lead Score Feeder”. (To share the filter, right click on the filter in the left and select ‘Share…’)

Note: The criteria “Contacts who have submitted any form at least 1 within last hour” is not required if you add contacts to your integration program via form processing step.

Learn more

Creating two internal events and external calls

Configuring a program for lead scoring

Configuring program feeder

Adding exclusions