Allowing Oracle Eloqua pages to be embedded in an inline frame

To prevent security vulnerabilities, by default Oracle Eloqua pages cannot be embedded into another HTML page using an inline frame (iframe). However, you can configure exceptions through allowlists. The allowlist consists of pages that can be used in an inline frame. You can build an allowlist of specific pages or use wildcards to include pages that match a wildcard pattern.

Example: If your base URL is, entering the string Main.aspx in your allowlist would allow and all of its subdirectories. If you specify the string announcements.aspx any page with this file name would be allowed. To allow Engage, enter apps/engage.

To set up the frameable page allowlist:

  1. Click Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog..
  2. Click Security in the Users and Security area.
  3. Click Frameable Page.
  4. Click A picture of the add icon. to add to the allowlist.
  5. Enter the filename or wildcard pattern for the page or pages you want to allow and click Save.

Learn more

Allow Embedding or Framing option for microsites

Client security configuration

allowlist, allowing, allow, allowlisting, whitelist