Setting up password requirements

You have granular control of the password requirements for Oracle Eloqua users.

There are two preconfigured levels of password security complexity in Eloqua: Eloqua security complexity and Windows security complexity. However, you can customize the settings to meet your organization's security policies.

To set up password complexity:

  1. Click Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog..

  2. Click Security in the Users and Security area.

  3. Click Password Complexity.

    An image showing the Password Complexity Configuration window.

  4. Choose an option:
    • To use Oracle Eloqua password complexity settings, click Apply Eloqua Default.
    • To use Microsoft Windows complexity settings, click Apply Windows Default.
  5. Configure the complexity settings. See below for a description of the settings and the defaults.
  6. Click Save when you are finished.

Password complexity fields and default settings

Setting and description Eloqua defaults Windows defaults
Minimum Password Length (5-15)
The required password length. This value must be between 5-15 characters.
8 characters 8 characters
Number of Days before a Password can be Reused (0 - 365)
Prohibits a user from using the same password for a specified number of days. If set to 0, a password can be reused on the same day.
183 days

2 days

Number of Passwords before a Password can be Reused (0 - 50)
Determines the minimum number of new passwords that must be set before a user can reuse the password. The default is 5. For example, a user has password Password123. If you set the minimum to 5, the user must use 5 other passwords before they can reuse Password123.
5 Passwords 24 Passwords
Require at Least One Uppercase Character
Requires users to select a password containing an uppercase character from A to Z.
Enabled Enabled
Require at Least One Lowercase Character
Requires the user to select a password containing at least one character between a and z.
Enabled Enabled
Require at Least One Digit
Requires that the user incorporate at least one digit (numeral) in the password. Valid values are 0 through 9.
Enabled Enabled
Require at Least One Punctuation Character
Requires every password to contain at least one non-alphabetic character (special characters). Valid values are: ~!@#$%^&*()-+={}[];:”<>?.,\/|.
Enabled Enabled
Password Cannot Contain More than 2 characters from the Username
Determines the maximum number of characters in the user name that can be used in the password.
Disabled Enabled
Password Cannot Contain User’s Account Name
Specifies that the user account name and password cannot be the same and the account name cannot be part of the password. For example, if the user name is ‘jsmith’, the password cannot be ‘jsmith’ or ‘jsmith123’.
Enabled Enabled
Require the First Character to be Alphanumeric
Requires the first character of the user’s password to be alphanumeric (that is, it cannot be a special or Unicode character).
Disabled Disabled
Require the Last Character to be Alphanumeric
Requires the last character of a user’s password to be alphanumeric (that is, it cannot be a special or Unicode character).
Disabled Disabled

Learn more

Client security configuration

Enabling user password expiration

User management

Single sign-on