Embedding Engage in Okta with SSO

Learn how to access Engage if you are using Okta SSO.


The high-level configuration steps are as follows:

  1. Setup Okta as an identity provider in Oracle Eloqua
  2. If you are going to embed Engage pages in other apps, create the allowlist of domains that will host Engage pages.
  3. Understand how to access Profiler:

Accessing Engage with Okta SSO

Engage is an app you can access via a URL from any location. It could be launched standalone in a browser but is most commonly embedded inside a CRM system.

Before you begin:

To access Engage Okta SSO:

  1. Enter the following URL:
    • To launch Engage standalone in a browser using the simplified login URL: https://login.eloqua.com/siteLogin?SiteName={CompanyName}&ReturnUrl=/apps/embed/salesTools/engage/compose
    • To embed Engage in a CRM or other app using the simplified login URL: https://login.eloqua.com/siteLogin?SiteName={CompanyName}&ReturnUrl=/apps/embed/salesTools/engage/compose

    • To use the legacy URLs, see Legacy login URLs.

Once you have this properly formatted URL, as long as a user has an Okta session active in their browser, they can access Engage.

Accessing Engage as an Okta app

To allow users direct access to Engage from apps in Okta:

  1. In Okta, create a new Okta app for Eloqua Engage.
  2. While creating the SAML2 template, add the following to the Default Relay State field:


    Tip: You can append additional parameters to this URL. For example, to open the Engage compose page. Learn more.

Learn more

Okta help center: Create SAML app integrations

Single sign-on

Engage integration
