Insight users and permissions

Insight users

There are two different types of Insight users:

  • Reporters can run reports and use the standard features of Insight like printing and exporting. There is no limit on the number of reporters allowed for your organization. To access Insight, users must be a member of one of these security groups:
    • Basic or Advanced Marketing
    • Executive User
    • Administrator
  • Analyzers can do everything a reporter can do and can also create analyses and dashboards. Only users who have an analyzer license can access analyzer features. Customers are able to have as many Analyzer licenses enabled as the number of Eloqua Marketing users they are licensed for.

Tip: You can view the roles to which you belong by Insight profile (Select My Account > Roles and Catalog Groups).

Insight permissions and roles

An image of a padlock

Insight permissions and roles control what you can see and access in Insight. Analyzers can use permissions to control access to analyses or folders in the Company Shared folder. This can be useful if there are analyses or dashboards that should be restricted to a group of users.

Insight permissions allow you to perform specific actions, such as creating an analysis or running a report. Permissions are grouped into the following sets:

  • Full Control: Includes all permissions (but is limited by Reporter and Analyzer roles)
  • Modify: Permissions to read, write, and delete
  • Open: Permissions to read, traverse, run
  • Traverse: Permissions to browse a folder
  • No Access: No permission to access the object

Roles group related permissions together. There are three Insight roles that you should be aware of:

  • BI Consumer: The reporter role enabling reporters to view and run reports. Users with the Eloqua Reporting license are assigned to this role.
  • BI Author: The analyzer role enabling analyzers to create analyses and dashboards for reporters. Users with the Eloqua Analyzer license are assigned to this role.
  • BI Contact Security User: A role used when contact security is enabled to manage access to aspects of contact level reporting.

Note: You cannot create or manage roles in Insight.

Assigning permissions

Analyzers can create and share objects, such as folders, analyses, and dashboards to the Company Shared folder. This shared folder is visible to your organization's Insight users. When an analyzer saves an object to the shared folder, it inherits the permissions of that folder. Analyzers can change the permissions for objects they own so that they can restrict access based on responsibilities.

Note: You can assign permissions to specific users, but this can be difficult to maintain and you should do this sparingly.

Before you begin:

  • You must be the object owner to change permissions.
  • The object you are updating must be located in the Company Shared folder.

To assign permissions:

  1. In Insight, in the Company Shared folder, browse to the object that you want to change permissions for.
  2. Click More > An image of the permission iconPermissions. You must be the owner of the object to change the permissions.

    An image showing the folder permissions window

  3. To grant access to a user, click An image of the add icon Add users/roles and complete the dialog. Use the Set Permission to drop-down list to set the appropriate permissions.

    An image of the dialog box to give roles, groups, or users permissions to an Insight object

    Tip: If you want to customize the permissions, select Custom from the Set Permissions to drop-down list. After you return to the Permissions window, click The Edit icon Edit custom permissions to customize the permissions.

  4. In the Permissions window, if available, specify how the permissions are to be applied using these options: Apply permissions to sub-folders and Apply permissions to items within a folder check boxes.
  5. If you selected one of the options in step 4, you can use the Replace Options drop-down list to specify how you want to update access to the object and any of its children.
    • Replace All: Select this option to replace access to the object with the users and roles in the Permissions list. Typically, this is the option you would use.
    • Replace Listed Accounts: Select this option to change only the users and roles contained in the Permissions list. Any other users and roles that have access remain unchanged. Make sure that you also remove entries in the permissions list that you do not want to be changed.
    • Remove Listed Accounts: Select this option to remove the users and roles in the Permissions list. Any other users and roles that have access remain unchanged. Make sure that you also remove the entries in the permissions list that you do not want to be changed.

Learn more

Building your first analysis

Copying a report