Website Visitors by Webpage report


This report shows information about web page visits by known and unknown visitors within a specified date range. If the visitor is known to Oracle Eloqua, the report provides you with information from the visitor profile and contact record that you could use, for example, to provide leads to sales or help to personalize your website.

Note: The report only includes web pages with at least one visit within a given period.

  • Folder location: Catalog/Shared Folders/Website
  • Subject area: Webpage Activity
  • Questions this report helps you answer: Who is visiting my web pages? How many unknown visitors are visiting my web pages? If the visitor is known to Oracle Eloqua, what company are they coming from? What search terms are visitors using to find my web pages?
  • Related reports:


An image of the Website Visitors by Webpage report.

Good to know

  • Oracle Eloqua uses tracking scripts to track visits to your website. After tracking scripts are enabled on your website and a visitor visits a tracked page or clicks a link, Oracle Eloqua places a cookie on the visitor's computer or device. Oracle Eloqua can then capture information about a visit such as how long a visitor spends on a site, the length of the visit, the entry and exit pages, and so on. Additionally the cookie can provide information about the visitor's company, browser, and referring page. See Oracle Eloqua asynchronous tracking scripts for more information.
  • An unknown visitor is a visitor that has not been linked to a contact record. A few ways that a visitor can be linked to a contact record through form submissions and or email clickthroughs.

Report prompts

Prompt Description
Select Page View Date range Show all visit information that happened within this date range.
Select the Web Page(s) to Display Optionally, include only these web pages.
Select the Microsite to Display Optionally, include only these microsites.
Select to include or exclude ISPs Optionally, you can choose to include or exclude Internet Service Providers (ISP). By excluding common ISPs, you can focus on visits from businesses and organizations that your organization may be targeting. Oracle Eloqua derives the ISP from the visitors IP address.
  • Choose Exclude ISPs to exclude common ISPs and show only visits from non-ISPs
  • Choose Only ISPs to only include visits by ISPs
  • Choose neither option to include both ISPs and non-ISPs

Visitor and contact information

The following visitor and contact information is provided in the report:

Source Data
Visitor Information Search Query
The most recent search query determined using search engine data

Company from IP
Name of the company based on the visitor’s IP address

Company DNS Name
Name of the company based on the visitor's domain name servers (DNS)
Contact Information Email Address
First Name
Last Name
Business Phone
Contact State / Province
Contact Address 1
Contact Address 2

Report metrics

Metric Description Drill to
Total Visits The total visits to a web page. This metric counts one visit for all the page views in the session.
A visit is also known as a session. A visit consists of all the visitor's interactions before their session ends. A session ends when a visitor exists your website, closes their browser, or after 10 minutes of inactivity.
A session consists of all the visitor's interactions during a given time frame. A session ends when a visitor exists your website, closes their browser, or after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Total Visitors The unique visitors to a web page. A visitor is identified by the unique visitor identifier that is part of the Oracle Eloqua cookie. The cookie is unique to the browser and device. -
Total Page Views The number of times that a page was viewed. A visitor might view the page multiple times during a visit and this metric counts each of those views. One page view is counted every time the page is loaded. Total Page Views by Contact
Average Page Views per Visit The total page views by total visits. (Total Page Views / Total Visits) -

Learn more

Oracle Eloqua asynchronous tracking scripts

Website Overview report

Common reports