Step 3: Sorting columns

You can sort columns to make the analysis easier to read. We will sort our analysis first by campaign name and then by the total sends. When a user runs this analysis, the sorting can be changed. After we sort the analysis, we will preview the results.

To sort columns:

  1. Next to the Campaign Product column, click The Options icon Options and click An image of the Sort icon Sort. Then click Sort Ascending. The sort icon The Ascending Sort icon appears next to the column name.

    This image shows the Campaign Name column sorted

  2. Next to the Day column, click The Options icon Options and click An image of the Sort icon Sort. Then click Add Descending Sort. The sort icon The Descending Sort icon appears next to the column name.

    An image showing the sorted columns

    Now that we've added all the columns and the sorting, let's preview the results.

  3. Click the Results tab.

    The default Compound Layout is displayed. The default layout includes two views:

    • A title view which displays the name of the analysis.
    • A table view which shows the results of our analysis.

    Using the Results tab, you can add a title to the table view, re-order columns, and change other display properties of the table view. We'll work more with this tab later in this tutorial.

    An image showing a preview of the analysis

Next step

Step 4: Filtering the analysis