Configuring data imports from Salesforce

Important: The Salesforce native integration was deprecated February 1, 2021. We recommend using the the Salesforce Integration app in its place. Learn more in our product notice.

Note: You must be a member of the Customer Administrator security group in Oracle Eloqua to access the integration functionality and perform the configuration tasks.

To integrate Salesforce and Oracle Eloqua, you must configure auto synchs. Auto synchs are scheduled imports to Oracle Eloqua. An auto synch defines the following:

  • the import schedule
  • the fields to synchronize
  • the actions that Oracle Eloqua performs when the data is imported

After you ran the CRM Integration Setup Wizard for the first time, Oracle Eloqua set up the following auto synchs for importing account, contact, and lead data:

  • Get Accounts
  • Get Contacts
  • Get Leads
  • Get Converted Leads
  • Get Deleted Accounts
  • Get Deleted Contacts
  • Get Deleted Leads

For initial setup, you disabled all the auto synchs until you configured them. In your environment, you may have additional auto synchs for campaigns or opportunities. The configuration below is specific to importing Salesforce leads, contacts, and accounts. See Closed-loop reporting with Salesforce for information on synchronizing campaign and opportunity data.See Closed-loop reporting with Salesforce for information on synchronizing campaign and opportunity data.

Before you begin:

To configure auto synchs:

  1. Click Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog..
  2. Click Integration under Platform Extensions.
  3. Click the Inbound tab.
  4. Click Management > Auto Synchs. All the existing auto synchs are listed.

    An image of the Auto-Synchs window.

  5. For each auto synch in the list, click Auto Synch Details from the drop-down.
  6. Click Edit and configure the auto synch. Refer to Auto synch settings for Salesforce integration for the recommended settings for account, contact, and lead auto synchs.

    An image of the Auto Synch window highlighting the five setting groups.

    The following auto synchs need to be configured with the specifics of your field mappings between Oracle Eloqua and Salesforce fields:

    • Get Accounts
    • Get Contacts
    • Get Leads

    The following auto synchs may require modifications to the filter criteria, depending on how often you want these synchronizations to run:

    • Get Deleted Accounts
    • Get Deleted Contacts
    • Get Deleted Leads

After you finish: Continue to Configuring data exports from Oracle Eloqua to Salesforce.

Learn more

Managing native CRM integration auto synchs

Integrating Oracle Eloqua with Salesforce