Enabling single logout

Single logout (SLO) allows users to log out of all sessions opened by a SAML single sign-on with a single click.

Before you begin:

  • Validate the requirements and verify that the identity provider is properly configured.
  • Gather the logout URL from the identity provider. This is a dedicated URL for receiving logout requests. This might be included in the identity provider's SAML metadata download.

To enable single logout:

  1. Click Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog..
  2. Click Single Sign-On in the Users and Security area.
  3. Open the identity provider you created earlier.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Enter the logout URL from the identity provider in the Logout URL field.
  6. Record the Service Provider Logout URL. Alternatively, you can download the service provider metadata.

After you have gathered the service provider logout URL, update the Oracle Eloqua service provider settings in your identity provider. Refer to your identity provider’s documentation for further information on this configuration.

Learn more

Testing your single logout configuration

Creating an identity provider in Oracle Eloqua

Single logout