Testing your single logout configuration

After you have enabled single logout (SLO), you should test the configuration. A successful test ensures users can use single logout to logout of all sessions opened by a SAML single sign-on with a single click.

To test your single logout configuration:

  1. Login to Oracle Eloqua using single sign-on.
  2. Open another service provider application that is setup with your identity provider.
  3. Log out of Oracle Eloqua.
  4. Verify that the user was logged out of the Oracle Eloqua by browsing to Oracle Eloqua’s auto-login URL:

    https://login.eloqua.com/auth/saml2/autologin?LoginPrefix=<site_id> where <site_id> is unique to your site.

  5. Verify that the user was logged out of the other service provider application.

Troubleshooting your SLO configuration

Note: You cannot use Oracle Eloqua's debug mode to test your single logout configuration.

To troubleshoot your single logout configuration, try the following:

  • Validate that your single sign-on configuration works. If not, refer to the single sign-on troubleshooting.
  • Verify that the logout URL configured in Oracle Eloqua is the same as the logout URL provided in the identity providers SAML metadata. Refer to the requirements for more information.
  • Verify that the user is identified in the subject’s name identifier. Oracle Eloqua only accepts the user identity in this location. If your identity provider is identifying users in the attribute value, single logout will not work. Refer to the requirements for more information.
  • If the identity provider's SAML metadata provides both a Location attribute and a ResponseLocation attribute, the attributes must have the same values. Refer to the requirements for more information.

Learn more

Enabling single logout

Single logout