AdTracking Plugin

Sends ad impressions and clicks when a page is loaded or another event takes place on a page.

An Ad View occurs when a visitor views a page containing an ad. An ad is a link or graphic that contains an Ad Click parameter in the query portion of its URL.

Loading this plugin causes the tag to scan all links on a page, looking for the Ad Click parameter specified in the configuration. The parameter name (default is used to denote Ad Click links. If a matching link is found (case insensitive), its Ad Click parameter value is extracted and assigned to the Ad View parameter (default ``). If more than one Ad Click link is found, each value is appended to the Ad View parameter, delimited by a semi-colon. An additional parameter is created for a key to use as the ad name dimension in the reports (default wt.ad_key)

For example, consider a web page with the following links defined:

<p>Check out our <a href="shoeSale.html?">Fall Shoe Sale!</a></p>
<p><a href="dailyDeals.html?">Daily Deals!</a></p>
<p>Up to 50% off <a href="clearanceItems.html?">clearance Items!</a></p> ...

In the example above, the adTracking plugin will scan the page looking for links that are decorated with the ad identifier. As it scans, it builds a list of ads shown to the user (ad impressions), which is sent with the page view event, which can then be used in Infinity reporting to identify successful and unsuccessful ads.

When an ad on a page is clicked, the plugin sends the name of the ad with the click event (as a parameter by default) and wt.ad_key will be equal to

Plugin options

The plugin is loaded with the following properties available to be set via the configuration object:

Parameters Description Data Type Default Value
enable Enables the plugin Boolean false
adClickParam The parameter name to use for ad click names. For example, if the URL destination of an ad on a page contains'Fall Shoe Sale', the adClickParam should be String
adsViewedParam The parameter name to use for the list of viewed ads on a page.  String
sendOnce Send ad clicks only once (in the seed message), not in subsequent messages. If disabled (set to false), ad clicks events will be sent on every page view after an initial ad click.  Boolean true.

The parameter name to use to send the ad key for use as the dimension in the reports. The parameter is or

String wt.ad_key
addKey Boolean to add the adKeyParam . Boolean true
autoCreateAdList Automatically create the values in adsViewedParam ( by default). When true, the plugin will automatically scan the page looking for links with adClickParam in the query string, build a list of ads, put that list into the adsViewedParam, and send in the initial page view event.  Boolean true.
blockCollect This option forces the Oracle CX Tag to wait until the plugin loads before data collection can begin. Boolean true

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Infinity Module Plugins