Infinity Module Plugins

Plugins are modules that can be used to customize the behavior of the Oracle Module within the CX Tag.

The default Oracle Infinity Tag configuration supports data collection from online systems capable of executing JavaScript.


The following tag plugins support additional tracking, delivery, and integration options:

  • AdTracking: Sends ad impressions and clicks when a page is loaded or another event takes place on a page.
  • Advanced link tracking (deprecated): Provides link tracking options with a minimum of custom coding and maintains consistent behavior as different types of tracking are enabled.
  • Blocklist: Whitelist or blacklist data that is sent to Oracle Infinity data collectors to ensure that parameters representing known PII or sensitive information are not accidentally passed to Oracle Infinity.
  • Brightcove video tracking: Provides video player tracking on a videoJS Brightcove player hosted on your site. Track clip views, view duration, and pause, play, next, and previous clip clicks for embedded videos.
  • Client-hosted: References plugin files that are hosted by your content servers so that you can write and host your own plugins and the Oracle Infinity Tag can load and use them to collect data.
  • Content group tracking: Parses the URL and creates reporting content groups. For example, could be reported as Responsys -> help in the standard Content Group report.
  • Cookie cutter: Extracts the contents of specified cookies and places them into individual parameters on all events collected by the tag. This plugin is helpful for building integrations with existing infrastructure or to collect data from client cookies.
  • Cross-domain tracking: If enabled, the cross-domain tracking plugin embeds a visitor ID hash either as a query string hash of a parameter and value pair or as a new query parameter that persists visitor IDs across domains as a user navigates from one site to another site. As a user transitions to a new site, the visitor ID mirrors the session information from the old domain to the new one and allows Oracle Infinity to continue tracking the user session.
  • Debug: Opens a debug window that shows data sent to Oracle Infinity data collection to debug tagging implementations.
  • Domain switcher: Overrides the first-party cookie (FPC) domain with a correct matching domain from a given possible domains array.
  • Event tracking: Allow the creation of jQuery-like tracking for custom events. Track any selectors on your site, such as downloads, off-site link clicks, and other custom click actions.
  • Facebook: Tracks social visitor actions triggered via Facebook Social Plugin implemented on a Facebook page iframe or Facebook Canvas App.
  • Form Tracking: Tracks when a form is loaded when users begin to fill out a form, and then abandon it without interacting or submitting the form.
  • HTML5 video tracking: Track standard HTML5-based video players, including clip views, view duration, pause, play, next, and previous clip clicks for embedded videos.
  • IP mask: Helps to configure IP address masking for the Oracle Infinity Tag
  • Message listener: Listens for postMessage events from frames and passes data to the tracking function in the parent window to track popup windows and frames that appear after a page is loaded due to user interactions with the site.
  • Mobile Client Tracker: Allows the native app data and web view data to be glued together by the analysis engine. It maintains the sessionization from the mobile app to navigated web view pages and to links going back to the web view within the app.
  • Native app web view plugin: Use native app and web view data for hybrid reporting between native apps and web pages.
  • Opt-out footer: Adds a formatted opt-out footer to a page that will generate an opt-out popup.
  • Oracle Data Cloud: Collect data that is also collected by Oracle Data Cloud (DMP). This collected data is replicated to Oracle Infinity and can be used for further reporting and analysis. This plugin captures all Oracle DMP parameters sent to Oracle Data Cloud and prepends them with ORA.odc before sending to Oracle Infinity.
  • Page load tracking: Captures page load timing data for page ready, page redirect, and page DNS information, server response, page download times, and DOM ready timing characteristics for a tagged page.
  • Persist parameters: Store parameters in a cookie to persist values across pages loads.
  • Simplified Behavior Tracking Plugin: An easy way to enable you to collect behavior data about what your customers are doing on the web pages of your web applications without having to write any code.

  • Tag Management: Allows the tag to be configured with third-party tag managers.
  • Tag ready event: Generates a DOM event when the tag is ready for tag managers or external scripts.
  • Twitter data collection: Helps to track visitor intents on Twitter widgets and intent links.
  • Universal data layer: Collect visitor data in a way that supports Oracle's implementation of the W3C's Customer Experience Digital Data Layer specification.
  • URL fragment tracking: Allows the Oracle Infinity Tag to use custom handling for URL fragments (anchors), even if they violate the RFC for HTML fragments. For example, a fragment is everything after the # in
  • YouTube video tracking: Instruments tracking for YouTube players that are embedded on your website. Track clip views, view duration, and pause, play, next and previous clip clicks for embedded videos.

For help implementing tag plugins, contact your Oracle Infinity solutions consultant. Based on your requirements, one or more of the plugins can be custom configured to meet most tracking needs or custom plugins can be built.

For details about implementing the Oracle Infinity Tag, see Oracle CX Tag.

Supported web browsers

The CX Tag plugins are supported on the below browsers:

  • Chrome

  • Firefox

  • Safari

  • Edge

  • Android: Chrome

  • iOS: Safari

  • IE9, IE10 & IE11*

  • IE8 is not supported

*Brightcove and Youtube are not supported on IE9, Simplified Behavior Tracking plugin is not supported on IE9 & IE10.

Configuring plugins

Plugins are configured by creating an object with the key wt-plugins.

The following sample shows a JSON payload request for configuring one plugin for Facebook:

The following sample shows a JSON payload request for configuring multiple plugins (Facebook, SEM, and YouTube).

The following sample shows a JSON payload request for a plugin with load configurations.

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Infinity Module