Simplified Behavior Tracking Plugin

Infinity provides an easy way to enable you to collect behavior data about what your customers are doing on the web pages of your web applications without having to write any code. This is accomplished using the Simplified Behavior Tracking plugin. It helps you implement tracking events triggered by clicking on different parts of your website such as links, buttons, banners and so on. This feature is available for all Infinity customers.

To request access to this feature, please contact My Oracle Support.

With the Simplified Behavior Tracking Plugin, you can:

  • Configure your tag to start collecting data on user actions such as the following:

    • Click events

      • Link click

      • Button click

      • Other clicks - Any click on the web page such as a section of the page, banner, and so on.

    • Element visibility

      • Capture behavior data based on when a user actually sees the element on the screen, or when the element is visible.

  • These events that you create using the Simplified Behavior Tracking Plugin will work the same way you have implemented them in code.

  • Collect additional information with each user action. This helps you understand context for user actions. The contextual information can be content from the page, or any static text as the context desires.


  • An active Infinity account with tag administrator permissions.

  • A web application where you can deploy the CX tag with the Infinity module.

Using the Simplified Behavior Tracking plugin

The Simplified Behavior Tracking plugin uses both gif & beacon protocols to transmit behavior data to the data collection servers. The Simplified Behavior tracking expects the following inputs from the user in the form of a JSON object. The following table describes the JSON.

Parameter Description Mandatory/Optional Default Value Notes Sample
enable Used to indicate whether to enable or disable the plugin. Mandatory false    
scroll_frequency Window scroll frequency. If the scroll_frequency value is n, the web page is divided into 100/n parts and for each part of scrolling, the page is scanned and triggers the appropriate events. Optional 1 The value should be a number between 1 and 100 both inclusive.  
eventList List of actions to track using the plugin. Mandatory []    
url URL Object, used to specify the URL of the page the Simplified Behavior Tracking plugin must load and trigger. Optional   Multiple events can be tracked across different web pages. The URL is an optional configuration object. If user does not provide the URL object, the events will be tracked on all the pages where the tag is being load, when the plugin is added and enabled.  
pattern URL pattern that specifies the page for loading and triggering the Simplified Behavior Tracking plugin. Mandatory    
  "pattern": "oracle",
  "criteria": "contains"

Type of matching pattern used to identify the pages for loading and triggering the Simplified Behavior Tracking plugin.


Criteria Description
is Plugin loads only if the page URL matches with the given pattern.
isNot Plugin does not load if the given pattern matches with the URL.
containsNot Plugin loads if the URL does not contain the given pattern.
startsWith Plugin loads if the URL begins with the given pattern.
endsWith Plugin loads if the URL ends with the given pattern.
regex Regular Expression.
events List of events to be tracked on a web page.        
id A unique id for the event. Mandatory      
type Type of action such as button click, link click, and so on. Mandatory   Accepted values are: click, scroll, and visibility.  
dom_selector DOM selector of the element on which behavior tracking is being configured. Mandatory  

In the case of click tracking, this is the DOM selector of the element on which the user carries out an action.

In the case of element visibility tracking, this is the DOM selector of the element whose visibility is being tracked.

name Name associated with the behavior you would like to capture. Event Title to be displayed in the Infinity Streams. Mandatory      
parameters Additional parameters that need to be collected when this event occurs. Names of the parameter in which you would like to capture the contextual data. Mandatory Key for the additional parameter. Mandatory      
parameters.dom_selector It is used to DOM selector of the HTML element, whose value you would like to capture as contextual information for a user action. Mandatory   You can capture value from a DOM selector or capture a static text that provides context around the user action. #my_id, .my-class
parameters.value The static text you would like to capture as contextual information along with user action. Optional      

Tracking link click action

            "name":"Click me1 Event",

Sample configuration for capturing static or dynamic contextual data for events configured by this plugin

            "name":"Click me1 Event",

Sample configuration for element visibility tracking

    "enable": true,
    "eventList": [{
        "url": {
            "pattern": "html",
            "criteria": "endsWith"
        "events": [{
            "type": "visibility",
            "dom_selector": "#btn_click_me_1",
            "name": "Click me1 Event",
            "parameters": [{
                    "name": "ora.other_button",
                    "dom_selector": "#btn_click_me_2"
                    "name": "ora.link_value",
                    "dom_selector": "#link1"
                    "name": "ora.currency_code",
                    "value": "INR"

Learn more

Infinity Module Plugins