Persist Params Plugin

The purpose of this plugin is to retain specific parameters & their value across visitor sessions. For example, visitors who have not logged in during the current session but have done so in the past, would have their WT.dcsvid persisted and already available for remarketing during the current session.

Plugin options

The plugin is loaded with the following properties available to be set via the configuration object:

Parameter Description Data Type Default Value
enable Enable plugin functionality. To be used for quick disabling of plugins, i.e. enable: false Boolean false
params An array of parameters to persist, i.e."params": ["WT.dcsvid"] Array []
useMostRecent Enable "most recent logic" in the plugin registration - this will support either initial or most recent (passed during the current session) parameter values. If disabled, the initially saved param value will take priority over any existing (most recent) values (i.e. it will not be updated). If enabled, any existing (most recent) values will take priority over the initially saved param value. Boolean true
cookieName Cookie name for storing persistent params & values String "WTPERSIST"
cookieDays Days the WTPERSIST cookie will be valid for Integer 7 days or 24 hours
cookieDomain String. The domain override for persistent values cookie. The domain is resolved in the following descending order: tag config param -> DCS.FPConfig.domain -> current page top-level domain String from FPConfig.domain
lowerCaseValues Lowercases the parameter value - or if false keeps the original case Boolean true

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Infinity Module Plugins