Blocklist Tag Plugin

The blocklist tag plugin helps you to configure whitelists and blacklists to include or exclude parameters that are sent to Oracle Infinity data collectors by the Oracle Infinity Tag. This helps to ensure that known PII or sensitive information is not accidentally sent.

If you use this plugin to specify a whitelist, only its specified parameters are included in data sent to Oracle Infinity. All other parameters will be removed.

If you use this plugin to specify a blacklist, only its specified parameters are excluded from data sent to Oracle Infinity. All other parameters will be allowed.

To enable the blocklist tag plugin, specify the blocklist option.

Important: When you enable this plugin, all parameters sent by the Oracle Infinity Tag are expressed as lower case values.



To enable the blocklist tag plugin, specify blocklist and blockCollect as follows:

blocklist: {'enable':true,'blockCollect':true}

You can specify additional supported options as needed:

blocklist: {'enable':true,'blockCollect':true, 'option1':true,..., 'optionN':true}

The default whitelist is enabled by default if the blocklist option is enabled—unless the blacklist option is specified.

blockCollect (required)

blockCollect forces the Oracle Infinity Tag to wait until the blocklist plugin loads data collection can begin. This option must be included with all other blocklist plugin expressions.


You can use the blacklist option to specify a comma-delimited string of parameters that you want to exclude from the data collected by the Oracle Infinity Tag as shown in the following example:

blocklist: {'enable':true,'blockCollect':true,'blacklist':['parameter1',...,'parameterN']}

Important: If you specify the blacklist option, the default whitelist is automatically disabled.


Setting the commerce option to true enables the commerce whitelist in addition to the default whitelist, as shown in the following example.

blocklist: {'enable':true,'blockCollect':true,'commerce':true}


Setting the video option to true enables the video whitelist in addition to the default whitelist, as shown in the following example.

blocklist: {'enable':true,'blockCollect':true,'video':true}


You can use the whitelist option to specify a comma-delimited string of parameters to be added to the default whitelist as shown in the following example:

whitelist: {'enable':true,'blockCollect':true,'whitelist':['wt.cg_n','wt.cg_s','wt.test','id']}

Default whitelists

Default commerce whitelist

commerceList = [

Default video whitelist

videoList = [

Default whitelist

whiteList = [
        // page-related
        // browser-related
        // sessionization
        // onsite add
        // offsite add
        // content groups
        // scenario analysis
        // offsite search
        // segmentation
        // onsite search
        // misc

Note: For more details about this implementation, contact your Oracle Infinity solutions consultant.

Learn more

Infinity Module Plugins

Full Parameter Reference

blocklist tag plugin, block list, whitelist, blacklist, PII, commerce, video, blockCollect