Full Parameter Reference

Oracle Infinity provides the following parameters.

Note: Some of the parameter names listed here omit parameter prefixes that are added after data collection. For example, you can specify the wt.pn_sku parameter in your Oracle Infinity Tag and specify the corresponding data.wt.pn_sku parameter in reports. The definition of this product SKU parameter applies in both contexts.

Parameter Name Description
data.page-uri Page URI data.page-uri indicates the URI of the page or the mobile app screen.
datetime_utc Date datetime_utc indicates the date and time in UTC format based on the value of wt.ets (if sent). If wt.ets is not sent, Oracle Infinity's data collection server generates the value of datetime_utc when it receives the event data.
dcsipa IP address maskng dcsipa allows you to mask IP addresses by specifying the optional value of 1.
ext.browser.mfr Browser manufacturer ext.browser.mfr identifies the browser manufacturer.
ext.browser.name Browser name ext.browser.name identifies the name of the browser or browser group, such as Chrome.
ext.browser.renderer Browser rendering engine ext.browser.renderer identifies the browser's rendering engine, such as GECKO.
ext.browser.type Browser type ext.browser.type identifies the type of browser, such as email client or browser.
ext.browser.version Browser version ext.browser.version identifies the browser version, such as 11.0.
ext.browser.vmajor Major browser version ext.browser.vmajor identifies the major version of the browser.
ext.browser.vminor Minor browser version ext.browser.vminor identifies the minor version of the browser, which is typically the second decimal.
ext.device.androidos Android ext.device.androidos indicates whether the device is distributed with Android OS preinstalled (true) or not (false).
ext.device.bada Bada OS ext.device.bada indicates whether the device is distributed with Bada OS pre-installed (true) or not (false).
ext.device.brand OEM name ext.device.brand indicates the name of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of the device, browser, or other component (such as Mozilla).
ext.device.devp Developer platform ext.device.devp indicates the commercial name of the developer platform that the device was built around (if any).
ext.device.devpv Developer platform version ext.device.devpv indicates the version of the developer platform that the device was built around (if any).
ext.device.dsktpbr Desktop browser ext.device.dsktpbr indicates whether the device is using a desktop browser (true) or not (false).
ext.device.ereader Reading device ext.device.ereader indicates whether the device is a reading device (true) or not (false).
ext.device.flash Flash capability ext.device.flash indicates whether the device supports Flash (true) or not (false).
ext.device.gamec Game console ext.device.gamec indicates whether the device is a game console (true) or not (false).
ext.device.html5c HTML5 support ext.device.html5c indicates whether the device's browser supports HTML5 (true) or not (false).
ext.device.https HTTPS capability ext.device.https indicates whether the device's browser supports secure sockets layer (true) or not (false).
ext.device.id Device ID ext.device.id provides the unique ID of the device if properly detected.
ext.device.iOS iOS ext.device.iOS indicates whether the device is distributed with iOS preinstalled (true) or not (false).
ext.device.medp Media player ext.device.medp indicates whether the device is a media player (true) or not (false).
ext.device.mktn Marketing name ext.device.mktn indicates the marketing name for a device.
ext.device.mobile Mobile device ext.device.mobile indicates whether the device is meant for use on the move (true) or not (false).
ext.device.model Model name ext.device.model indicates the model name of the device, browser, or other component (such as Firefox).
ext.device.osver OS version ext.device.osver indicates the version of the preinstalled operating system, such as 6_1_2 or null if not defined.
ext.device.rim RIM OS ext.device.rim indicates whether the device is distributed with RIM OS preinstalled (true) or not (false).
ext.device.scres Screen resolution ext.device.scres indicates the width and height of the device screen.
ext.device.smphone Mobile phone ext.device.smphone indicates whether the device is a mobile phone (true) or not (false).
ext.device.stb Set-top box ext.device.stb indicates whether the device is a set-top box (true) or not (false).
ext.device.symb Symbian OS ext.device.symb indicates whether the device is distributed with Symbian OS preinstalled (true) or not (false).
ext.device.tablet Tablet ext.device.tablet indicates whether the device is a tablet (true) or not (false).
ext.device.touch Touchscreen ext.device.touch indicates whether the device has a touchscreen (true) or not (false).
ext.device.tv Television ext.device.tv indicates whether the device is a television (true) or not (false).
ext.device.webos WebOS ext.device.webos indicates whether the device is distributed with WebOS preinstalled (true) or not (false).
ext.device.winm Windows Mobile ext.device.winm indicates whether the device is distributed with Windows Mobile preinstalled (true) or not (false).
ext.device.winp Windows Phone ext.device.winp indicates whether the device is distributed with Windows Phone preinstalled (true) or not (false).
ext.device.yrel Device year ext.device.yrel indicates the year the device was released or announced.
ext.geo.area Area Code ext.geo.area indicates the US telephone area code.
ext.geo.cbsac CBSA code ext.geo.cbsac indicates the core-based statistical area (CBSA) internal lookup code (US only).
ext.geo.cbsan CBSA title ext.geo.cbsan indicates the CBSA title for the location, such as San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA.
ext.geo.cbsat CBSA type ext.geo.cbsat indicates the type of CBSA, which can be a metropolitan (metro) or a micro area.
ext.geo.cc2 Country two-letter code ext.geo.cc2 indicates the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, such as US.
ext.geo.cc3 Country three-letter code ext.geo.cc3 indicates the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code, such as GBR.
ext.geo.cic City code ext.geo.cic identifies the numeric code for the city, such as 4782 for London, UK, which is useful for filtering.
ext.geo.city City ext.geo.city identifies the full name of the city, such as London.
ext.geo.cnc Continent code ext.geo.cnc indicates the numeric code for the continent.
ext.geo.co Company ext.geo.co indicates the name of the company. If no specific company name exists, the ISP name appears.
ext.geo.continent Continent name ext.geo.continent indicates the continent name.
ext.geo.country Country ext.geo.country indicates the full name of the country.
ext.geo.csac CSA code ext.geo.csac identifies the combined statistical area (CSA) code, which is similar to the core-based statistical area (CBSA).
ext.geo.csan CSA title ext.geo.csan indicates the combined statistical area (CSA) title, such as San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland.
ext.geo.dst Daylight saving time ext.geo.dst indicates whether the region is observing daylight saving time (y) or not (n).
ext.geo.hb Home or business ext.geo.hb indicates whether the hit is from a home or business based on registration of the IP address with an ISP.
ext.geo.isp ISP name ext.geo.isp indicates the name of the ISP.
ext.geo.ispd ISP domain ext.geo.ispd indicates the internet service provider (ISP) domain name, such as comcast.net.
ext.geo.latitude Latitude ext.geo.latitude indicates the approximate latitude coordinate, such as -051.506.
ext.geo.longitude Longitude ext.geo.longitude indicates the approximate longitude coordinate, such as -000.127.
ext.geo.metro Metropolitan area name ext.geo.metro indicates the name of the metropolitan area.
ext.geo.mtc Metro code ext.geo.mtc indicates the 2-6 digit metro codes, such as 505 for Detroit.
ext.geo.mts State ext.geo.mts indicates the state of the visitor's designated market area (DMA).
ext.geo.nt Network type ext.geo.nt indicates the type of network connection, such as broadband, xdsl, cable, or mobile.
ext.geo.plang Region language ext.geo.plang indicates the primary language in the region.
ext.geo.rc Region code ext.geo.rc identifies the two-letter region code, such as NY.
ext.geo.region Region ext.geo.region indicates the name of the region.
ext.geo.tz Time zone offset ext.geo.tz identifies the UTC offset.
ext.geo.zip Zip Code ext.geo.zip indicates the postal code.
ext.os.mfr OS manufacturer ext.os.mfr identifies the operating system manufacturer, such as Microsoft.
ext.os.name OS name ext.os.name identifies the name of the operating system, such as Android.
ext.search.engine Search engine ext.search.engine indicates the search engine used.
ext.search.paid Paid search engine ext.search.paid populates the WT.srch=1 parameter.
ext.search.phrase Search phrase ext.search.phrase indicates the search phrase used.
ext.source.name Referer name ext.source.name indicates the actual name of the referer.
ext.source.type Traffic source type ext.source.type indicates the type of traffic source.
session.closed Active or closed (Streams only) session.closed indicates whether the session is active (false) or closed (true).
session.closed_reason Reason for closing (Streams only) session.closed_reason indicates a reason for a closed session.
session.duration.limit Duration limit (Streams only) session.duration.limit indicates the maximum time, in milliseconds, for an active session until the session is closed.
session.event_count Events received (Streams only) session.event_count identifies the number of events received in the session.
session.first_datetime_utc Start time (Streams only) session.first_datetime_utc indicates the start time of the session.
session.page_view_count Active or closed (Streams only) session.page_view_count identifies the number of pages viewed in the session.
session.recent_datetime_utc Time of most recent event (Streams only) session.recent_datetime_utc indicates the time of the most recent or last event in the session.
session.returning_visitor New or returning visitor (Streams only) session.returning_visitor indicates whether this is a new visitor (false) or a returning visitor (true).
session.session_id Session ID (Streams only) session.session_id indicates the unique ID of the session.
session.time_inactive Time inactive (Streams only) session.time_inactive indicates the time, in milliseconds, since the last event from the visitor.
session.time_on_site Duration (Streams only) session.time_on_site indicates the duration, in seconds, of the session.
session.visitor_id Visitor ID session.visitor_id provides the unique visitor ID.
wt.a_ac App ad click wt.a_ac indicates that an ad was clicked within a mobile app.
wt.a_ai App ad impression wt.a_ai indicates that one or more ads was viewed in a mobile app.
wt.a_an App ad name wt.a_an specifies one more names of ads presented in a mobile app.
wt.a_cat App category wt.a_cat specifies a category of mobile app, such as Games, Health & Wellness, or Productivity.
wt.a_dc Mobile Carrier wt.a_dc specifies the mobile carrier.
wt.a_nm Mobile App Name wt.a_nm specifies the name of the mobile app.
wt.a_pub App publisher WT.a_pub specifies the developer, publisher, or vendor for a mobile app.
wt.ac Ad click wt.ac specifies the name of an ad clicked to reach a particular web page.
wt.ad Ad view wt.ad specifies the names of one or more semicolon-delimited ads viewed on a web page.
wt.av Mobile App Version wt.av specifies the version of the mobile app.
wt.bh Local time wt.bh indicates the web client’s browsing hour (local time of day on a 24-hour clock).
wt.bs Window size wt.bs indicates the width and height of the web client window in pixels.
wt.cd Screen color depth wt.cd indicates the web client’s screen color depth.
wt.ce Cookies enabled wt.ce indicates whether the visitor has first-party cookies enabled (1) or disabled (0).
wt.cg_n Content group name wt.cg_n identifies one or more semicolon-delimited content group names.
wt.cg_s Content subgroup name wt.cg_s identifies one or more semicolon-delimited content subgroup names.
wt.cgm_ev CGM event wt.cgm_ev identifies the consumer-generated media (CGM) event that occurred, such as a post (p) or comment (c).
wt.cgm_t CGM type wt.cgm_t identifies the type of consumer-generated media.
wt.clip_accountid Brightcove account ID wt.clip_accountid provides the unique ID of the Brightcove account.
wt.clip_ct Video content type wt.clip_ct indicates the video's content type, such as MOV.
wt.clip_duration Duration in seconds wt.clip_duration indicates the video duration in seconds.
wt.clip_duration_min Duration in minutes wt.clip_duration_min indicates the video duration in minutes.
wt.clip_duration_n Duration based on range wt.clip_duration_n indicates the range of the video duration in seconds.
wt.clip_ev Media event identifier wt.clip_ev identifies the type of media-related event that has occurred, such as v for a view event.
wt.clip_id Video identifier wt.clip_id indicates the unique ID of the video asset.
wt.clip_mins Playhead in minutes wt.clip_mins indicates the video's playhead position in minutes.
wt.clip_mode Mode type wt.clip_mode identifies the mode type of video, such as fixed, streaming, FullScreenOn, or FullScreenOff.
wt.clip_n Video name wt.clip_n identifies the name of the video that was accessed.
wt.clip_perc Percentage played wt.clip_perc identifies the percentage of the video that the viewer has played.
wt.clip_player Player name wt.clip_player identifies the name of the video player.
wt.clip_player_res Player resolution wt.clip_player_res indicates the video player's resolution in pixel height x width.
wt.clip_provider Video provider WT.clip_provider indicates the host on which the video is located
wt.clip_res Video resolution wt.clip_res indicates the resolution of the video expressed as height x width in pixels.
wt.clip_secs Playhead in seconds wt.clip_secs indicates the video's playhead position in seconds.
wt.clip_src Video URL wt.clip_src provides the URL of the video.
wt.clip_t Media type wt.clip_t identifies the type of media, such as Flash or HTML5, depending on what type of player is being used.
wt.clip_tag_tagName Video tag name wt.clip_tag_tagName provides the video tag name.
wt.clip_tags Video tags wt.clip_tags provides a list of one or more semicolon-delimited video tags.
wt.clip_tv Video tag plugin version wt.clip_tv provides the version of the video tag plugin.
wt.clip_video_id Brightcove video ID wt.clip_video_id provides the unique ID of the Brightcove video.
wt.clip_vol Volume level wt.clip_vol provides the volume of the video on a scale from 1 through 100.
wt.co_f First-party cookie wt.co_f is a random value used as a visitor ID and stored in a first-party cookie.
wt.com_v Website test variant wt.com_v identifies the website test variant used to compare activity, such as the scenario step conversion rate of two or more test variants.
wt.conv Conversion name wt.conv specifies a name used to identify a customer conversion event, which can be any conversion event that you define on your site or app.
wt.ct Connection type wt.ct specifies the connection type used to send data.
wt.dcs_id DCSID (Deprecated) wt.dcs_id is a unique ID associated with a data source for data collected from a website or app.
wt.dcsvid External visitor ID wt.dcsvid identifies an optional unique custom visitor ID you can assign to your visitors in other systems. This is separate and distinct from automatically generated visitor ID parameters sent by the Oracle Infinity Tag. If you do not send a custom value, this parameter will not be present on the hit.
wt.dep Encoding conversion wt.dep contains a semicolon-delimited list of custom DCSext query parameters on a web page. The encoding conversion plugin uses this information to identify the parameters that are known to be encoded in UTF-8.
wt.dl Event tracking wt.dl specifies a numeric identifier for the kind of event tracked, which are used for event-level filtering and reporting.
wt.dm Device model wt.dm specifies the model of the mobile device that an application is running on, such as wt.dm=iPhone%207.
wt.es Page URL wt.es identifies the page a user was on when an event occurred.
wt.ets Event time stamp wt.ets indicates the Unix time stamp for the event measured in milliseconds.
wt.ev Event type wt.ev specifies the type of event activity on a mobile device, such as clicks, swipes, and content views.
wt.g_co Country

wt.g_co specifies the country of origin for mobile traffic using a country code.

wt.gc Geolocation coordinates

wt.gc indicates the latitude and longitude of a mobile device.

wt.hdr HTTP header

wt.hdr identifies the value of the custom HTTP headers, such as those inserted by third-party load balancers, application servers, or web server plugins.

wt.hp Home page wt.hp indicates whether the viewed page was set as the web client's home page (1) or not (0).
wt.jo Java enabled

wt.jo indicates whether the web client has enabled Java (yes) or not (no).

wt.js JavaScript enabled

wt.js indicates whether the web client supports or has enabled JavaScript (yes) or not (no).

wt.jv JavaScript version wt.jv indicates the version of JavaScript supported by the web client.
wt.le Character set wt.le indicates the character set used by the web client to render the current document.
wt.mc_ev Campaign event wt.mc_ev identifies the ad event type, such as click for an ad clickthrough event.
wt.mc_id Campaign ID wt.mc_id associates pages with a specific campaign.
wt.nv Div or table wt.nv contains the ID or class of the parent <div/> or <table/> of the element that was clicked so that you can track the corresponding page areas.
wt.oss Search phrase wt.oss identifies a word or a phrase that visitors submit for an on-site search.
wt.oss_r Search success wt.oss_r indicates whether an on-site search is successful by capturing the number of search results. If its value is 0, the user's search failed.
wt.p_did Device persona wt.p_did provides a hash value that represents the device used by the visitor.
wt.p_pid Persona ID wt.p_pid provides a hashed persona identifier generated by the persona service. wt.p_pid is typically identical to wt.p_vid
wt.p_sid Session persona wt.p_sid provides a unique ID for the session for use by the persona service. 
wt.p_vid New persona wt.p_vid is generated if the wt.p_did does not match an existing persona. If the persona is matched, wt.p_vid is identical to wt.p_pid.
wt.pi Page of interest wt.pi identifies a page of interest on your site or name of a mobile app .
wt.player_id Brightcove playlist ID wt.player_id provides the unique ID of the Brightcove playlist.
wt.pn_fa Product family wt.pn_fa identifies the product family.
wt.pn_gr Product group wt.pn_gr identifies the product group.
wt.pn_id Product ID wt.pn_id identifies a unique product ID.
wt.pn_ma Product manufacturer wt.pn_ma identifies the manufacturer of the product.
wt.pn_sc Product subgroup wt.pn_sc identifies the product subgroup.
wt.pn_sku Product SKU wt.pn_sku identifies the stock keeping unit (SKU), which is a unique numeric identifier of the product.
wt.pn_su Product supplier wt.pn_su identifies the supplier of the product.
wt.ria_a RIA name wt.ria_a identifies the name of the rich internet application (RIA) that was accessed.
wt.ria_c RIA content wt.ria_c identifies the rich internet application (RIA) content.
wt.ria_ev RIA event wt.ria_ev identifies the rich internet application (RIA) event that occurred, such as the selection of a RIA button or feature.
wt.ria_f RIA feature wt.ria_f identifies the rich internet application (RIA) feature that was accessed.
wt.rss_a RSS article wt.rss_a identifies the rich site summary (RSS) article.
wt.rss_ev RSS event wt.rss_ev indicates the RSS-related event, such as subscription.
wt.rss_f RSS feed wt.rss_f identifies the rich site summary (RSS) subscription feed.
wt.rv Registered visitor wt.rv indicates whether the visitor is registered (1) or not (null).
wt.sdk_v Mobile SDK Build wt.sdk_v indicates the version of the Oracle Infinity mobile SDK.
wt.seg Segment wt.seg identifies values associated with a segment of interest.
wt.si_cs Conversion step wt.si_cs indicates whether the scenario analysis step is the one in which conversion occurs (1) or not (0).
wt.si_n Scenario Name wt.si_n specifies the name of the scenario analysis.
wt.si_p Scenario Step Name wt.si_p specifies the name of the scenario analysis step.
wt.si_x Scenario Step Number wt.si_x specifies the numeric position of the scenario analysis step.
wt.site Site ID wt.site indicates the site ID for one or more events on the same hit.
wt.sr Screen resolution wt.sr indicates the web client’s screen resolution.
wt.srch Search engine type wt.srch differentiates a paid search engine result from a reference to an organic search engine result.
wt.ssl HTTPS enabled wt.ssl indicates whether the hit's content is secured via HTTPS (1) or not (0).
wt.sv Server wt.sv identifies the name of the web server that served up the web content.
wt.sys Mobile App Version wt.sys indicates the name of the mobile app event.
wt.ti Page Title wt.ti identifies the HTML page title of the associated web content or the name of the mobile app in the case of the SDK.
wt.tm_domContentLoaded Load time wt.tm_domContentLoaded indicates the milliseconds taken to fully load the content in the browser, including the time needed to render content and execute downloaded scripts.
wt.tm_pageDns Page domain lookup time wt.tm_pageDns indicates the milliseconds taken to lookup the domain name for the current document.
wt.tm_pageDownload Page download time wt.tm_pageDownload indicates the milliseconds taken to download the markup.
wt.tm_pageReady Page load time wt.tm_pageReady indicates the milliseconds taken before the page onReady event.
wt.tm_pageRedir Page redirect time wt.tm_pageRedir indicates the milliseconds taken for the redirect if a page redirect occurs.
wt.tm_serverConn Page connection time wt.tm_serverConn indicates the milliseconds taken to connect to the server and for the server to respond to the connection request.
wt.tm_serverResponse Server response time wt.tm_serverResponse indicates the milliseconds taken to receive the page from the server.
wt.tm_tv Plugin version wt.tm_tv indicates the version of the page load tracking tag plugin.
wt.tsrc Traffic source wt.tsrc classifies the origin of site traffic into one of a list of possible values based on the referrer of the collected data.
wt.tu URL truncation wt.tu indicates the maximum URL length limitation was imposed by Microsoft Internet Explorer.
wt.tv JavaScript tag version wt.tv specifies the version of the JavaScript tag that is currently deployed.
wt.tx_cartid Cart ID wt.tx_cartid indicates a unique ID for the visitor's cart.
wt.tx_e Transaction Event wt.tx_e identifies the type of transaction and is used as qualifier in measure definitions along with wt.tx_u to determine which product to count.
wt.tx_i Invoice number wt.tx_i identifies the invoice number for the purchase.
wt.tx_id Invoice date wt.tx_id identifies the UTC-based invoice date of a purchase to prevent the erroneous recording of purchases.
wt.tx_it Invoice time wt.tx_it identifies the UTC-based invoice time of the purchase and is used to prevent the erroneous recording of purchases.
wt.tx_s Transaction Subtotal wt.tx_s identifies the total cost for each product in the order.


wt.tx_u identifies the quantity in the transaction.
wt.tz Time zone wt.tz indicates the web client's time zone offset from UTC.
wt.ul User language wt.ul indicates the app or web client's user language.
wt.vt_a_s New visitor for account (Deprecated) wt.vt_a_s indicates the first hit from a new visitor for a specified account.
wt.vt_d First hit of day (Deprecated) wt.vt_d indicates the first hit of the day from the visitor.
wt.vt_f First Visit wt.vt_f indicates a new or returning visitor that accepts first-party cookies (1) or who has disabled first-party cookies (2). This parameter is no longer in use by Oracle Infinity Analytics.
wt.vt_f_a New visitor for an account (Deprecated) wt.vt_f_a indicates a new visitor for an account.
wt.vt_f_s First hit for new visitor session (Deprecated) wt.vt_f_s indicates the first hit from a new visitor session.
wt.vt_s First hit of new session (Deprecated) wt.vt_s indicates the first hit for a new session.
wt.vtid Visitor ID (Deprecated) wt.vtid provides a hashed visitor ID to sessionize visitors for use in reporting.

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Parameter Syntax


Parameters Collected by Default



parameter reference