Event tracking parameter

wt.dl specifies a numeric identifier for the kind of event tracked, which are used for event-level filtering and reporting. Some values are also used by Oracle Infinity Tag plugins to modify collected data from various event types.

Valid value A numeric event ID
Syntax wt.dl=event_ID
Example wt.dl=0

wt.dl supports the following event IDs:

ID Event Description
0 Page view Used by Oracle Infinity Analytics to determine what events are considered page views
1 Click Used by Oracle Infinity Analytics to determine what events are considered clicks
20 Download Used to differentiate a download action from other event types in Infinity reporting
21 Anchor Used to differentiate an anchor click action from other event types in Infinity reporting
22 JavaScript link click Used to differentiate a JavaScript link click action from other event types in Infinity reporting
23 mailto: click Used to differentiate a mailto: link click action from other event types in Infinity reporting
24 Off-site link click Used to differentiate off-site link click actions from other event types in Infinity reporting
25 Right-click download Used to differentiate right-click download actions from other event types in Infinity reporting
26 Form GET method Used to differentiate form GET actions from other event types in Infinity reporting Generated when a form button is clicked.
Button is enclosed inside a form, and the method is GET.
27 Form POST method Used to differentiate form POST actions from other event types in Infinity reporting
28 Form input click Used to differentiate form field click actions from other event types in Infinity reporting
29 Form button click Used to differentiate form button click actions from other event types in Infinity reporting
40 Video impression Used to differentiate a video view action from other event types in Infinity reporting
41 Video event Used to differentiate a video interaction event (such as stop, play, or next clip) from other event types in Infinity reporting
50 On-site ad impression Used to differentiate an on-site ad view event from other event types in Infinity reporting
60 - 61 Mobile SDK event Reserved for use in mobile SDK view data
65 Slide show interaction Used to differentiate a slide show or carousel action from other event types in Infinity reporting
70 Page load timing values Used with plugins to track page load timing values
85 - 89 Responsys events Reserved for Responsys events used in Responsys reporting in Oracle Infinity Analytics
90 - 94 Eloqua events Reserved for Eloqua events used in Eloqua reporting in Infinity Analytics
99 Miscellaneous click Used by legacy clients as a miscellaneous click event (an event that does not conform to a known reservation)
111 Facebook plugin event Used to differentiate a click action tracked by the Facebook plugin from other event types in Infinity reporting

Learn more

Full Parameter Reference

Brightcove Video Tracking Tag Plugin

Event Tracking Functions

Twitter Data Collection Plugin

event tracking parameter, wt.dl