Video parameters

Use the following video parameters to populate custom reports that include information about video content.

Brightcove account ID

wt.clip_accountid provides the unique ID of the Brightcove account.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_accountid=Brightcove_account_ID
Example wt.clip_accountid=1571595843001
When sent All events

Brightcove playlist ID

wt.player_id provides the unique ID of the Brightcove playlist.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.player_id=playlist_ID
Example wt.player_id=41ecSd4l2x
When sent All events

Brightcove video ID

wt.clip_video_id provides the unique ID of the Brightcove video.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_video_id=video_ID
Example wt.clip_video_id=4974033989001
When sent All events

Duration based on range

wt.clip_duration_n indicates the range of the video duration in seconds. The value is used to categorize videos by time duration ranges (bins).

Valid value An integer from 0 through 65,000
Default value 15
Syntax wt.clip_duration_n=seconds
Example wt.clip_duration_n=30
When sent All events

Duration in minutes

wt.clip_duration_min indicates the video duration in minutes.

Valid value Integer
Syntax wt.clip_duration_min=minutes
Example wt.clip_duration_min=20
When sent All events except play

Duration in seconds

wt.clip_duration indicates the video duration in seconds.

Valid value Integer
Syntax wt.clip_duration=seconds
Example wt.clip_duration=20
When sent All events

Media event identifier

wt.clip_ev identifies the type of media-related event that has occurred, such as v for a view event.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_ev=media_event_type


When sent All events

Media type

wt.clip_t identifies the type of media, such as Flash or HTML5, depending on what type of player is being used.

In the following example, the clip type is Windows Media, the name of the clip is Milton Presents, and the clip event type is view:

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt clip_t=media_type
Example wt.clip_t=Windows%20Media&wt.clip_n=Milton%20Presents&wt.clip_ev=v
When sent All events

Mode type

wt.clip_mode identifies the mode type of video, such as fixed, streaming, FullScreenOn, or FullScreenOff.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_mode=mode_type
Example wt.clip_mode=Fixed
When sent All events

Percentage played

wt.clip_perc identifies the percentage of the video that the viewer has played. This parameter is sent for all events except play.

Valid values
  • 25
  • 50
  • 75
  • 100
Syntax wt.clip_perc =quartile
Example wt.clip_perc=25
When sent All events except play

Player name

wt.clip_player identifies the name of the video player.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_player=player_name
Example wt.clip_player=html5
When sent All events

Player resolution

wt.clip_player_res indicates the video player's resolution in pixel height x width.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_player_res=heightxwidth
Example wt.clip_player_res=250x200
When sent All events

Playhead in minutes

wt.clip_mins indicates the video's playhead position in minutes. This parameter is sent for all events except play.

Note: Time measures are not sent on play so 0 is not averaged into any average calculations.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_mins=minutes
Example wt.clip_mins=2.1
When sent All events except play

Playhead in seconds

wt.clip_secs indicates the video's playhead position in seconds. This parameter is sent for all events except play.

Note: Time measures are not sent on play so 0 is not averaged into any average calculations.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_secs=seconds
Example wt.clip_secs=30
When sent All events except play

Video content type

wt.clip_ct indicates the video's content type, such as MOV.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_ct=content_type
When sent All events

Video identifier

wt.clip_id indicates the unique ID of the video asset.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_id=video_ID
Example wt.clip_id=example.mp4
When sent All events

Video name

wt.clip_n identifies the name of the video that was accessed. You can use this parameter with the wt.clip_ev and wt.clip_tparameters.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_n=media_clip_name
Example wt.clip_n=Promo%20Video
When sent All events

Video provider

WT.clip_provider indicates the host on which the video is located as determined by the following regex: e.currentSrc.match(/:\/\/(www.)?(.[^/:]+)/)[2];

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_provider=provider_name
Example wt.clip_provider=www/
When sent All events

Video resolution

wt.clip_res indicates the resolution of the video expressed as height x width in pixels.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_res=video_resolution
Example wt.clip_res=250x200
When sent All events

Video tags

wt.clip_tags provides a list of one or more semicolon-delimited video tags. The Brightcove tag plugin will send the tags as wt.clip_tags in a list if the video is using the tag format with no values. For details, see the mediaTags configuration option.

Valid value A semicolon-delimited list of media tags
Syntax wt.clip_tags=tag1:tag1_value;tag2:tag2_value
Example wt.clip_tags=
When sent If the mediaTags option is set.

Video tag name

wt.clip_tag_tagName provides the video tag name. The Brightcove tag plugin will send the tags as a key-value pair if the video is using the tag format with values. For details, see the mediaTags configuration option.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_tag_key=value
Example wt.clip_tag_producttype=semiconductors
When sent If the mediaTags option is set.

Video tag plugin version

wt.clip_tv provides the version of the video tag plugin.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_tv=tag_verson
Example wt.clip_tv=10.2.15
When sent All events

Video URL

wt.clip_src provides the URL of the video.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.clip_src=video_URL
Example wt.clip_src=
When sent All events

Volume level

wt.clip_vol provides the volume of the video on a scale from 1 through 100.

Valid value An integer from 1 through 100
Syntax wt.clip_vol=volume
Example wt.clip_vol=50
When sent All events

Learn more

Brightcove Video Tracking Tag Plugin

HTML5 Video Tracking Tag Plugin

YouTube Video Tracking Tag Plugin

Content parameters

Full Parameter Reference

video parameters, wt.clip_accountid, wt.clip_ct, wt.clip_duration, wt.clip_duration_min, wt.clip_duration_n, wt.clip_ev, wt.clip_id, wt.clip_mins, wt.clip_mode, wt.clip_n, wt.clip_perc, wt.clip_player, wt.clip_player_res, wt.clip_provider, wt.clip_res, wt.clip_secs, wt.clip_src, wt.clip_t, wt.clip_tag_tagName, wt.clip_tagsv wt.clip_tv, wt.clip_video_id, wt.clip_vol, wt.player_id