YouTube Video Tracking Tag Plugin

The YouTube Iframe Player API allows you to embed a video player on your website and control it using JavaScript. The API creates DOM events that Oracle Infinity's YouTube video tracking plugin can use to collect tracking data.

Note: For more details about this implementation, contact your Oracle Infinity solutions consultant.


For the YouTube video tracking plugin to work properly:

  • It must be loaded before the YouTube video player loads.
  • It must be loaded before other Oracle Infinity code loads.
  • You should include the following script in the <head> of your web page. It is used to synchronously load the YouTube iframe player code.
    var tag = document.createElement('script');
    tag.src = "//";
    var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
    firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
  • Enable tracking calls from within the YouTube iframe player by adding the enablejsapi=1 option to the query string of the video URL. For example, src="//"
  • To protect against malicious third-party JavaScript being injected into your page and hijacking control of your YouTube iframe player, include the origin parameter to the URL, including http:// or https:// and full domain of your host page as the parameter value.

Note: For more details about this implementation, contact your Oracle Infinity solutions consultant.


The YouTube video tracking plugin can send the following Oracle Infinity parameters:

Parameter Name Description
wt.clip_ct Video content type wt.clip_ct indicates the video's content type, such as MOV.
wt.clip_duration Duration in seconds wt.clip_duration indicates the video duration in seconds.
wt.clip_duration_min Duration in minutes wt.clip_duration_min indicates the video duration in minutes.
wt.clip_duration_n Duration based on range wt.clip_duration_n indicates the range of the video duration in seconds.
wt.clip_ev Media event identifier wt.clip_ev identifies the type of media-related event that has occurred, such as v for a view event.
wt.clip_id Video identifier wt.clip_id indicates the unique ID of the video asset.
wt.clip_mins Playhead in minutes wt.clip_mins indicates the video's playhead position in minutes.
wt.clip_mode Mode type wt.clip_mode identifies the mode type of video, such as fixed, streaming, FullScreenOn, or FullScreenOff.
wt.clip_n Video name wt.clip_n identifies the name of the video that was accessed.
wt.clip_perc Percentage played wt.clip_perc identifies the percentage of the video that the viewer has played.
wt.clip_player Player name wt.clip_player identifies the name of the video player.
wt.clip_player_res Player resolution wt.clip_player_res indicates the video player's resolution in pixel height x width.
wt.clip_provider Video provider WT.clip_provider indicates the host on which the video is located
wt.clip_res Video resolution wt.clip_res indicates the resolution of the video expressed as height x width in pixels.
wt.clip_secs Playhead in seconds wt.clip_secs indicates the video's playhead position in seconds.
wt.clip_src Video URL wt.clip_src provides the URL of the video.
wt.clip_t Media type wt.clip_t identifies the type of media, such as Flash or HTML5, depending on what type of player is being used.
wt.clip_tv Video tag plugin version wt.clip_tv provides the version of the video tag plugin.
wt.clip_vol Volume level wt.clip_vol provides the volume of the video on a scale from 1 through 100.
wt.dl Event tracking wt.dl specifies a numeric identifier for the kind of event tracked, which are used for event-level filtering and reporting.

Configuration options

You can customize the YouTube video tracking plugin configuration with the following options, some of which generate certain key parameters.

Option Data type Description Key parameters
beacon boolean When set to true (the default), a time beacon event is sent every beaconRate seconds. If only quartile reporting is needed, set this option to false to disable beacon tracking. wt.clip_ev:Beacon
beaconRate integer The interval between beacons in seconds values (from 0 through 65000). Set this value to the maximum granularity of the reporting you require to make business decisions. The default value is 60.  
bins integer Sets a bin range for duration tracking in seconds (from 0 through 65000) for categorizing videos by time duration buckets or bins. The default value is 15. wt.clip_duration_n:value
buffering boolean When set to true, buffering events are tracked. When set to false (the default), buffering events are not tracked. wt.clip_ev:Buffering
cued boolean When set to true, cued events are tracked. When set to false (the default), cued events are not tracked. wt.clip_ev:Cued
enable boolean Enables the YouTube video tracking plugin when set to true (the default)  
load boolean When set to true, load events are tracked. The default value is false. wt.clip_ev:Load
loadAPI boolean When set to true, the YouTube iframe player API code is loaded.

Example: "config" : { "ora-plugins" : { yt: {loadAPI:true} } }

Important: You should load the YouTube iframe player API in the <head> of the page to increase site security and tracking reliability. You should only use the loadAPI configuration option if you cannot otherwise load the YouTube iframe player API code.

The default value is false.
loadMeta boolean When set to true (the default), loaded meta events are generated. wt.clip_ct:content_type
mode string You can specify the following mode options:
  • default: When the YouTube Video tag plugin loads in default mode, it binds tracking to the YouTube player links that it finds in the markup on the page. If you are dynamically inserting the player into the markup, default mode typically does not work because the player may not be present when the plugin loads.

    Example: "config" : { "ora-plugins" : { yt: {} } }

  • manual: Allows you to manually bind tracking to YouTube players. Use this mode if the page is instantiating its own YT.Player objects. In this case, the plugin cannot automatically track the players, so the YT.Player objects must be passed to the YouTube Video tag plugin. See the sample implementation, which shows how to do this using the addYTPlayer() method.

    Example: "config" : { "ora-plugins" : { yt: {mode:'manual'} } }

  • poll: When the YouTube Video tag plugin loads in poll mode, it will poll the page for new players every 250 milliseconds and it will bind the tracking to a found player. If the player is removed, it will unbind the tracking from the player. This is the best mode if you are dynamically building pages. However, poll mode does consume a small amount of processor time to check the page and determine if new players are being added.

    Example: "config" : { "ora-plugins" : { yt: {mode:'poll'} } }

pause boolean When set to true (the default), pause and resume events are tracked. wt.clip_ev:Pause
pctInc integer Sets the quartile tracking percentage increments, which is expressed as an integer from 0 through 100. For dectile tracking (every 10 percent), set this option to 10. The default value is 25.  
quartile boolean When set to true (the default value), the YouTube video tracking plugin uses quartile event tracking and the player will send data at quartile points defaulted to 25, 50, 75, and 100%.

The calculation for quartile is:
(current position / video duration)*100

wt.clip_secs = (Math.floor(((e.currentTime) * 100) / 1) / 100);
wt.clip_perc = Math.floor((e.currentTime / e.duration ) * 100);
wt.clip_perc = Math.floor(WT.clip_perc / config.pctInc) * config.pctInc;
seek boolean When set to true (the default value), seek events are tracked. wt.clip_ev:Seek
trackCallback string Modifies the tracking callback function from an Infinity call to use a custom method. For details, see the samples.  
transformCallback   Adds in a transform so the data can be customized before sending (standard Oracle transform)  
volume boolean When set to true (the default value), volume events are tracked and the YouTube video tracking plugin generates parameters. wt.clip_ev:Volume

Sample implementations

Auto poll example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>yt auto poll page </title>

    <!-- 1. The <iframe> (and video player) will replace this <div> tag. -->
        var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = "//"; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
    <div id="player">
        <iframe width="640" height="360" class="embed-responsive-item video-frame" id="widget4" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

    <script src=""></script>


Manual mode example

$().ready(function () {// dynamically insert the player
    setTimeout(function () {
        $('#player4').append('<h3>Dynamically inserted player using manual plugin trigger</h3><br><iframe id="ytplayer4" width="640" height="360" id="widget4" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>')
            var player1 = new YT.Player('ytplayer4', {
            height: '390',
            width: '640',
            videoId: 'NzbYTJAR0Ac',
            playerVars: {
                fs: 0  
            events: {
               'onReady': function(event){
    }, 10000);

Poll mode example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page with Poll Mode</title>
    var tag = document.createElement('script');

        tag.src = "//";
        var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);

<script src=""></script>

    <br> Dynamic Video Insertion after 3 seconds<br>Plugin manual <br>
        $().ready(function () {// dynamically insert the player
            setTimeout(function () {
                $('#player').append('<iframe width="640" height="360" class="embed-responsive-item video-frame" id="widget4" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>')
            }, 3000);

    <div id="player">


    <script src=""></script>


trackCallback samples

To send data via Tealium:

    var mergedUDO=jQuery.extend(,;;

To send data via postMessage:

trackCallback: function (t) {
    var payload = JSON.stringify({action: 'MultiTrack', data: [t.argsa]});
    _window.parent.postMessage(payload, "*");

The following objects are passed to the callback function:

element: this,                       // current environment
argsa: tags,                         // Infinity tags to be sent
transform: config.transformCallback, // transform for legacy v10 tag
data:,                // raw tag data in form ["wt"].['clip_*] format
videoEle: e                          // video element reference that's created the event


The YouTube video tracking plugin can send the following error messages via the wt.clip_ev and wt.dl parameters.

  • Error - Request contains invalid parameter
  • Error - Content cannot be played in an HTML5 Player
  • Error - Requested video was not found
  • Error - Video can not be played in embedded players
  • Error - Unknown video error

Learn more

Infinity Module Plugins

YouTube Player API reference