Content parameters

Use the following content parameters to populate custom reports that include information on web content.

Consumer-generated media event

wt.cgm_ev identifies the consumer-generated media (CGM) event that occurred, such as a post (p) or comment (c). You can use this parameter with wt.cgm_t.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.cgm_ev=event_code
Example wt.cgm_ev=c

Consumer-generated media type

wt.cgm_t identifies the type of consumer-generated media. You can use this parameter with wt.cgm_ev. In the following example, the consumer-generated media type is blog and the event is a comment (c).

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.cgm_t=media_type
Example wt.cgm_t=blog&wt.cgm_ev=c

RIA content

wt.ria_c identifies the rich internet application (RIA) content. You can use it with the following parameters to get more complete RIA details:

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.ria_c=RIA_content
Example =

RIA event

wt.ria_ev identifies the rich internet application (RIA) event that occurred, such as the selection of a RIA button or feature. Common RIA event values are play, spin, and zoom.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.ria_ev=RIA_event
Example wt.ria_ev=zoom

RIA feature

wt.ria_f identifies the rich internet application (RIA) feature that was accessed. You can use it with the following parameters to get more complete RIA details:

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.ria_f=RIA_feature
Example wt.ria_f=Play&wt.ria_a=Homepage%20interactive&wt.ria_c=Vegas%2 0video

RIA name

wt.ria_a identifies the name of the rich internet application (RIA) that was accessed. You can use wt.ria_a with the following parameters to get more complete RIA details:

In the following example, wt.ria_a identifies the RIA application as Homepage interactive, the RIA content as Vegas video, the RIA feature used as play, and the RIA event type as play.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.ria_a=RIA_name
Example wt.ria_a=Homepage%20interactive&wt.ria_c=Vegas%20video%201&wt.ria_f=Play&wt.ria_ev=play

RSS article

wt.rss_a identifies the rich site summary (RSS) article. Use it with wt.rss_ev=a.

The following example indicates that the RSS article name "Global shortage of flu vaccine" was the object of an article read request event.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.rss_a=article_name
Example wt.rss_a=Global%20shortage%20of%20flu%20vaccine&wt.rss_ev=a

RSS event

wt.rss_ev indicates the RSS-related event, such as subscription. Supported RSS-related event codes include:

  • a: Article request
  • f: Feed request
  • s: Subscription
Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.rss_ev=event_code
Example wt.rss_ev=s

RSS feed

wt.rss_f identifies the rich site summary (RSS) subscription feed.

To indicate that a read request was made for an RSS feed, use this parameter with wt.rss_ev=f. For example, wt.rss_f=Sports&wt.rss_ev=f indicates that the RSS feed name "Sports" was the object of an RSS feed request event.

To indicate that a subscription request was made for an RSS feed, use this parameter with wt.rss_ev=s. such as the following example where the “News” feed name was the object of a subscription event.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.rss_f=feed_name
Example wt.rss_f=News&wt.rss_ev=s

Website test variant

wt.com_v identifies the website test variant used to compare activity, such as the scenario step conversion rate of two or more test variants.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.com_v=test_variant_name
Example wt.com_v=Product%20Layout%20B

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Content group parameters

Video parameters

Full Parameter Reference

content parameters