Content group parameters

You can use the wt.cg_n and wt.cg_s parameters specify multiple content groups and subcontent groups per page.

If none of the content groups on a particular page contain subcontent groups, the optional wt.cg_s parameter is ignored.

Content group name

wt.cg_n identifies one or more semicolon-delimited content group names.

Valid value One or more semicolon-delimited alphanumeric strings
Syntax wt.cg_n=name[;…]
Example wt.cg_n=Opinion;Entertainment

Content subgroup name

wt.cg_s identifies one or more semicolon-delimited content subgroup names.

Valid value One or more semicolon-delimited alphanumeric strings
Syntax wt.cg_s=name[;…]
Example wt.cg_s=Kids%2520Riding%2520Gear;Student

Page URI indicates the URI of the page or the mobile app screen.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Report category Content
Advanced options
  1. Decode
  2. Decode
  3. Trim leading and trailing white space
  4. Change to lowercase

Learn more

Content parameters

Full Parameter Reference

content group, wt.cg_n, wt.cg_s