Search engine type parameter

wt.srch differentiates a paid search engine result from a reference to an organic search engine result.

The presence of wt.srch=1 in the query string of the URL from a referring search engine identifies the link as one for a paid search engine phrase. If the parameter is not present it is considered an organic search. However, search engine results using wt.srch=1 are limited to search engines included in the search engine availability list. Using wt.srch=1 does not produce search engine campaign results for search engines that are not recognized.

The Oracle Infinity Tag will automatically identify a paid Google search referral if the Google click identifier (gclid) is used and wt.srch=1. This behavior can be customized with a tag configuration that sets paidsearchparams: "gclid,ad_id". The paidsearchparameters configuration setting defines a list of parameter names to search for in the query string portion of the URI. The presence of one of these parameters are used to determine a paid search engine from a reference to an organic search engine.

Valid value The only supported value is 1.
Syntax wt.srch=1

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Full Parameter Reference

Paid search engine

Search engine

search engine, parameter, wt.srch, paid search