Scenario Step Name parameter

wt.si_p specifies the name of the scenario analysis step. Multiple scenario steps are supported on one hit.

The Funnel Step dimension concatenates the value of this parameter with the value of the Step Name parameter for use in funnel analysis reports. For example, if you collect wt.si_x=01 and wt.si_p=landing page from your site, the corresponding Funnel Step value will be 01 - landing page. If your step name is missing from your collected data, the type of step will be unclear.

Valid value One or more semicolon-delimited alphanumeric strings
Syntax wt.si_p=name[;…]
Example wt.si_p=2-401k%20Page
Report category Commerce
Advanced options
  1. Double decode
  2. Trim leading and trailing white space
  3. Change to lowercase
  4. Split parameter on ;
  5. Correlate to Scenario Step Number parameter and Scenario Name parameter

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Full Parameter Reference

scenario analysis, scenario name, step name, step number, wt.si_n, wt.si_p, wt.si_x, wt.si_cs