Transaction parameters

Transaction parameters collect information such as type, quantity, and cost of purchases.

Cart ID

wt.tx_cartid indicates a unique ID for the visitor's cart.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.tx_cartid=cart_ID
Example wt.tx_cartid=27980554

Transaction Subtotal

wt.tx_s identifies the total cost for each product in the order. The format of this field must match the global currency format. Do not include a currency symbol.

If an order contains multiple products, separate the totals for each product with a semicolon.

Valid value Integers in dollars.cents format (if you define your currency as US dollars)
Syntax wt.tx_s=dollars.cents[;…]



wt.tx_u identifies the quantity in the transaction.

If an order contains multiple products, separate the numbers of units for each product using a semicolon.

Valid value One or more semicolon-delimited positive integers
Syntax wt.tx_u=units[;…]
Example wt.tx_u=2

Transaction Event

wt.tx_e identifies the type of transaction and is used as qualifier in measure definitions along with wt.tx_u to determine which product to count. It supports the following values:

  • a: Identifies a product cart addition
  • Custom value
  • p: Identifies a product purchase, which indicates that the visitor is a buyer. You can also use the invoice parameters to provide purchase details about the buyer. Note that Infinity uses wt.tx_s to determine whether the visitor is a buyer.
  • r: Identifies a product cart removal
  • v: Identifies a product view
Valid value An event code (a, p, r, or v) or a custom value
Syntax wt.tx_e={a|p|r|v|custom_value}
Example wt.tx_e=a

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Full Parameter Reference

Transaction, wt.tx_e, wt.tx_s, wt.tx_t, wt.tx_u, wt.tx_cartid