Invoice parameters

Infinity uses invoice data to prevent the erroneous recording of purchases, such as when a visitor refreshes a page after making a purchase or returns to the page to check the status.

For example:

  1. A visitor makes a purchase and the purchase is accounted with an invoice date (wt.tx_id).
  2. The visitor saves a bookmark to the page.
  3. Five days later, the visitor goes to the bookmarked page and a new hit is sent to Infinity.
  4. Infinity sees that the wt.tx_id parameter contains the original purchase date, which is several days older than the current hit and determines that this is not an actual purchase.

Invoice date

wt.tx_id identifies the UTC-based invoice date of a purchase to prevent the erroneous recording of purchases. If the invoice date is three days older than the date of the session, it is assumed that the hit is not an actual purchase but a view of a previously bookmarked or saved page. If the invoice date was less than three days than the date of the session, wt.tx_i is used to determine if the hit is a valid purchase.

Valid value A UTC date in mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy format
Syntax wt.tx_id=mm/dd/yyyy
Example wt.tx_id=09/29/2017

Invoice number

wt.tx_i identifies the invoice number for the purchase. Infinity makes sure that a page view with an invoice number is a new purchase and not the result of a visitor refreshing the page after making a purchase. A page view with an invoice number is compared to the last three invoices for a visitor. If the wt.tx_i value does not match the last three invoices, it is considered to be a new purchase.

Valid value Alphanumeric UTF-8 string
Syntax wt.tx_i=invoice_number
Example wt.tx_i=110525-20170707

Invoice time

wt.tx_it identifies the UTC-based invoice time of the purchase and is used to prevent the erroneous recording of purchases. It helps determine when an invoiced purchase was made and is used along with wt.tx_id and wt.tx_i to determine if the purchase is valid.

Valid value A time stamp in hh:mm:ss format
Syntax wt.tx_it=hh:mm:ss
Example wt.tx_it=20:35:14

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Full Parameter Reference

invoice, wt.tx_i, wt.tx_id, wt.tx_it