Mobile web and app parameters

These parameters are used with the client libraries for mobile apps to track both web and app activity associated with mobile devices.

These values have a maximum length of 512 characters.

App ad click

wt.a_ac indicates that an ad was clicked within a mobile app.

Valid value 1
Syntax wt.a_ac=1

App ad impression

wt.a_ai indicates that one or more ads was viewed in a mobile app. It is typically used with the wt.a_an parameter to specify one or more ads viewed in a single app screen.

Valid value 1
Syntax wt.a_ai=1

App ad name

wt.a_an specifies one more names of ads presented in a mobile app.

Valid value One or more semicolon-delimited alphanumeric strings
Syntax wt.a_an=name[;…]
Example wt.a_an=ad_name1;ad_name2

App category

wt.a_cat specifies a category of mobile app, such as Games, Health & Wellness, or Productivity. It can be used to report on the usage of different types of apps.

Valid value Alphanumeric UTF-8 string
Syntax wt.a_cat=app_category
Example wt.a_cat=News

App publisher

WT.a_pub specifies the developer, publisher, or vendor for a mobile app. This parameter is required.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.a_pub=app_publisher
Example wt.a_pub=Example%20Internet%20Services

Connection type

wt.ct specifies the connection type used to send data.

Many mobile devices go in and out of various connection states such as Wi-Fi, 4G, or Edge. To avoid sending a flood of this data as the connection fluctuates, the best practice is to send this parameter only once per session. The Infinity mobile app libraries use this best practice.

Valid value Alphanumeric UTF-8 string
Syntax wt.ct=connection_type
Example wt.ct=WiFi


wt.g_co specifies the country of origin for mobile traffic using a country code.

Valid value An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
Syntax wt.g_co=country_code
Example wt.g_co=US

Device model specifies the model of the mobile device that an application is running on, such as

Valid value Alphanumeric UTF-8 string

Event time stamp

wt.ets indicates the Unix time stamp for the event measured in milliseconds. This time stamp is recorded so events that occur when a device is offline can be sent as an ordered batch when the device comes back online.

Valid value Unix time (in seconds since Jan. 1 1970 UTC) of the event
Syntax wt.ets=Unix_time
Example wt.ets=1500305589

See also: Date parameter

Event type

wt.ev specifies the type of event activity on a mobile device, such as clicks, swipes, and content views.

Valid value Alphanumeric UTF-8 string
Syntax wt.ev=event_type
Example wt.ev=view

Geolocation coordinates

wt.gc indicates the latitude and longitude of a mobile device. This parameter is only collected from devices via Oracle Infinity mobile SDKs. It is not currently collected from web browsers.

Important: Latitude and longitude data is not sent by default. To collect latitude and longitude data:
  1. You must enable its collection in the Oracle Infinity mobile SDKs.
  2. You must enable its collection in your apps.
  3. Users must then agree to turn on location services when they install your apps.
Valid value Alphanumeric UTF-8 string
Syntax wt.gc=latitude_coordinate,longitude_coordinate
Example wt.gc=44.5504,69.1209

Note: The values of the ext.geo.latitude and ext.geo.longitude parameters is not derived from the value of wt.gc.

Mobile App Event Type

wt.sys indicates the name of the mobile app event. It is a standard parameter that can be used to report on app events.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.sys=event_name
Example wt.sys=startup
Report category Mobile App
Advanced options
  1. Double decode
  2. Trim leading and trailing white space
  3. Change to lowercase

Mobile App Name

wt.a_nm specifies the name of the mobile app. It is a standard parameter that can be used to report on the usage of different apps.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.av=app_version
Example wt.av=v2.3.2
Report category Mobile App
Advanced options
  1. Double decode
  2. Trim leading and trailing white space
  3. Change to lowercase

Mobile App Version

wt.av specifies the version of the mobile app. It is a standard parameter that can be used to report on the usage of different app versions.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.a_nm=app_name
Example wt.a_nm=Example
Report category Mobile App
Advanced options
  1. Double decode
  2. Trim leading and trailing white space
  3. Change to lowercase

Mobile Carrier

wt.a_dc specifies the mobile carrier. It is a standard parameter that can be used to report app usage on different carriers.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.a_dc=carrier_name
Example wt.a_dc=example mobile
Report category Mobile App
Advanced options
  1. Double decode
  2. Trim leading and trailing white space
  3. Change to lowercase

Mobile SDK Build

wt.sdk_v indicates the version of the Oracle Infinity mobile SDK. It is a standard parameter in the Mobile App category that can be used to report app usage on different carriers.

Valid value Alphanumeric string
Syntax wt.sdk_v=SDK_version
Example wt.a_dc=26.0.2
Report category Mobile App
Advanced options
  1. Double decode
  2. Trim leading and trailing white space
  3. Change to lowercase

Learn more

Full Parameter Reference

Geolocation parameters

Standard Mobile App parameters

mobile, device, app, wt.a_ac, wt.a_ai, wt.a_an, wt.a_ac, wt.a_cat, wt.a_nm, wt.a_pub, wt.ct,, wt.ets, wt.ev, wt.g_co, wt.gc, latitude, longitude, lat, lon, client libraries, publisher, ISO 3166-1, country code, geolocation, geographic