Cookie detection parameters

Cookie detection parameters allow Oracle Infinity to tie a visitor's first hit with the rest of the visitor session.

Oracle Infinity uses a single data collection first-party cookie (ORA_FPC) containing a randomly generated visitor ID GUID. Example: 79c88e25-bceb-4b10-a387-28ae63e2fa45

Cookies enabled

wt.ce indicates whether the visitor has first-party cookies enabled (1) or disabled (0).

Valid value
  • 0: The visitor has disabled first-party cookies.
  • 1: The visitor has first-party cookies enabled.
Syntax wt.ce={0|1}
Example wt.ce=1

First-party cookie

wt.co_f is a random value used as a visitor ID and stored in a first-party cookie. If you enable first-party cookie tracking in the Oracle Infinity Tag, the value of wt.co_f is passed on every hit for visitor session tracking. Depending on the cookie retention configuration, its value can be used to recognize the visitor upon subsequent sessions to differentiate between new and returning visitors.

Valid value A browser-unique random 16-character hexadecimal number


Example wt.co_f=bcd21640cc11794d

Learn more

Visitor ID

Full Parameter Reference

cookie detection parameters, SDC, wt.ce, wt.co_d, wt.co_f